The game is off

Pigeonho said:
Rammy Blue said:
Pigeonho said:
It's not even that bad. It's windy. Big deal.

Surely you're taking the piss? It's fucking ridiculous out there, certainly not conditions to play a game of football.
In the bowl of the stadium it won't be that bad. I've been to games in extreme weather and to see this postponed is a surprise, or at least it was an hour ago when it was announced. Just my opinion.

Did you try to get to the game?
Skashion said:
AlthamBlue said:
Whilst gutted for the fans that have travelled. Selfishly I'm glad, as I'll be able to make the rescheduled match.
I hope your aids is cat aids.

Just your bog standard Aids. Will be cured in time for when it's back on.
Since 5 o'clock Manchester as been on a Red warning for winds which means fatalities could occur, we have all been warned not to go any where unless necessary and it takes the police/club just over an hour before kick off to call this off.

Feel for those Sunderland fans and fans who have travelled a fair distance.

I got to near Mancunian Way and then heard the news so it wasn't that bad for me

Just got a text 10 minutes before kick off from City saying game is called off???
Brilliant, just got a text off City to say game is off, it's 19:34 and it was called off over an hour ago.

Edit: soz, just seen that's already been posted, I must keep up. Well you got your message earlier than me Rammy
It's not the bowl that's the problem, it's getting 47,000 people into and out of it safely in wind conditions that are knocking over kiosks.
All trains from Oxford road to Lpool cancelled.

This should have been called off hours ago. Ridiculous decision to keep stringing people along that long. Not like it wasn't predicted
Got half way from near Longridge - very bad on Motorway - gutted game off but not surprised weather very bad - feel sorry for anyone who had to come a long distance - Sunderland fans will be gutted
You all know what this means dont you Blues??

Maureen will be dead pissed as we get a longer rest.. Ha.
Pigeonho said:
Rammy Blue said:
Pigeonho said:
It's not even that bad. It's windy. Big deal.

Surely you're taking the piss? It's fucking ridiculous out there, certainly not conditions to play a game of football.
In the bowl of the stadium it won't be that bad. I've been to games in extreme weather and to see this postponed is a surprise, or at least it was an hour ago when it was announced. Just my opinion.

To be fair Pidge, it wasn't called off due to conditions within the stadium. This came from the police. Probably not a good idea to let thousands in/out of the area in this weather.

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