Chancy Termites said:
Not sure why people keep blaming the Conservatives for them really. Their current form comes about through employment legislation that Labour brought in and their use increased massively while they were in power - double in healthcare and tenfold in education.
I suppose some people think the proper noun 'Labour' is so nice and fluffy that they must be lovely and nice and lovely and warm and lovely and friendly people. I suspect that the Labour Party know this to be true - they can count on their core vote turning out for them time and time again regardless of what they say or do. That's why the Primrose Hill millionaires can parachute their other Millionaire Primrose Hill friends into safe Labour seats and guarantee to be voted in by the very same working class voters they despise. No doubt Primrose Hill will be awash with some of the best Dom Perignon vintages and the most expensive crudités Fortnum and Mason can supply, come election night. And then they can carry on dumping on the poor just like they always do.
Well well , the voice of Ukip denigrating what they like to term as the "political elite" by using pejorative terms and sneering put-downs about champagne and post -codes,sniping from the side lines while patently failing to come up with costed and viable alternatives to Zero hours contracts( if they were so awful the Tories with the economic genius in charge would surely have come up with a sensible alternative after nearly 5years- but think of the effect on employment figures ) and public finance through taxes and PFI (sorry , obviously I overlooked the private health insurance scheme written on the back of one of Nigel's fag packets)
Presumably they are going to finance health and education and social services by sending some foreigners home.
I have yet to hear how the warm and lovely and fluffy and friendly ukip ( who have never been near Fortum and Mason in their lives) with their champagne swilling Tory misfits and racist , mysoginist, sexist and generally insulting ( ask the people of Chigwell about what Ukip think about working-class voters being despised) ranks are going to ride over the horizon to save us all- but then it's easier to snipe knowing you won't actually have to take any responsibility after the next election.