The General Election Thread

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George Hannah said:
The public sector will suffer immediately, the rest (apart from the parasite speculators etc) a little later.
We get the government we deserve.
Dry your eyes JC.

You get the government the people want.
Blue Maverick said:
SWP's back said:
Blue Maverick said:
And that £8bn will be going to Tories fucking mates, wake up and smell the roses if you think it's bad now you ain't seen nothing yet, but as long as profits are up it's ok isn't it, fuck the small man.
Most people don't think it's bad now

Hence the fucking election result.

Stop spouting your lies.
Why are they lies, do you not think Dave wants to privatise the NHS? Of course he does he will be lining the pockets of his mates.

Privatise the NHS - such a simple stament made to make it sound sooooo scary and paint the Tories as 'Evil'.

The NHS has been used (as it is every election) as a political football because shallow statements and sound bites can be made and picked up and repeated. It has been clear throughout this election that people speak about the NHS without understanding the implications of the words - they just regurgitate these sound bites - it has happened a lot in this thread.

What is needed is that Simon Stevens (he only started just over a year ago) should be given 10 years to manage a strategy which has been well thought through by his leading clinicians and policy makers - informed by who has the ability to provide services to the right quality and price.

Such strategies should include investment in directly (internally by NHS employees) provided services where that is the best way forward and taking services form the private sector (it makes sense if thought about professionally and objectively) as part of a well-structured and integrated provider market.

The NHS is too important for the shallow sound bites issued by all parties - but particularly by Labour in recent months.
i must admit i am pleasantly suprised at the amount of conservative support on here, the majority on here i would guess are manchester people, a historic industrial heartland and proud people, which hasn't had it easy over the years as times change.
i thought as a tory i was the minority, so mr cameron don't let us down, over to you.
Cameron will have to hold a referendum on Europe now he has a majority. This will spell the end for UKIP who will fade away into non-entities by the time if the next election. With a Tory majority they will be able to get constituency booundaries changed so that the current situation whereby Labour don't have to get as many votes for a seat as the Tories do will end. The economy should continue to improve.

All these things will mean an easier job for the Tories to get an even larger majority at the next election in 5 years. Good times ahead :)
inbetween said:
st. blue said:
worsleyweb said:
Tory scum??

Fuck off and die??

Wonder how many of the people who voted Tory are workers? I would suggest a huge percentage.

Agreed. I'm a full time 'mature' student, also working 30 hours per week. The Mrs works 40 per week and studies part time.
Both voted Tory, seen my income tax contributions almost completely disappear last few years, putting more money in our pockets.
Yet labour are seen as the saviours of the workers.

I think the same, just finished postgraduate part time studies funded by a scheme setup by the Tories and otherwise my industry is booming, my job is safe etc. My Mrs has gone from minimum wage to assistant manager in 2 years. We are now in a great position but we are only average, we don't earn a great deal but we take care of ourselves and don't need to rely on anyone else. It was impossible us to consider voting any other way.

Yep it's about who works best for yourselves at any given point in time when it's time to vote. Too many people seem to approach a political party like a football team, I'm CTID but won't be Tory TID.
I live in a former pit town that is labour ultra safe, Tories never get a look in since the miner strikes decimated local industry.
Yet similar to yourself, I managed to get into higher education through a scheme funded by the last govt. and look to the future optimistically. Am better off now with a mortgage etc.. Than I was working minimum wage living with parents 10 years ago under labour.
The 2 local hospitals have undergone huge investment and refurbs in the last 5 years, as have many schools. Public transport has been upgraded also.
My family preached always vote labour, but i never have.
totallywired said:
Yep, the tory scum won fair and square. It`s up to us workers, to stand up to the attacks on the NHS and other frontline services that the less fortunate people of our country need and rely on. The move to the right will be coming quickly. Immigrants, NHS, Disabled and mental heath sufferers and organised workers in Trade Unions, will all be targeted again. To the lib dems who supported this shower in the coalition, just fuck off and die.

The bitternes is strong in thsi one.
Gelsons Dad said:
How does the popular vote compare to the polls? I don't see it being that wrong. For me it's the conversion of popular vote to seats where the error lies.

37% Con to 30% Lab in real terms.

33% each in polls.
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