Good deed. Pretty much anything I do for my kids.
Bad deed. None post-2004, however in that year I smacked a bloke outside Piccolino's, faced 6 months inside and ended up in crown court on 3 occasions for the offense. Sentencing day was 23/12/04, (2 days before fucking xmas!), and I got off with 240 hours CS and a £500 fine. Apparently though, I left my 'good character' in the court room on that day. I also managed to have 2 affairs, one of which I got caught for in our living room, and lost my family life as I knew it, and all this whilst her dad was dying of Lung Cancer. Well done me, played a real fucking blinder there. I was forgiven, eveentually and we all moved on into a new house and a new start. Damage was done though and it fizzled out in 07', but I think all my bad-boy shit ended in that court room, because I was literally shitting myself until the judge said, 'before I begin I want to advise the defendants you are not going to be handed a custodial sentence'. Pheww!