The home brew thread

I have become addicted my city room now resembles a micro brewery I have a Woodford wherry, Pilsner some kit wine bubbling away blackberry and Apple wine fresh picked and a bottle of blackberry vodka
Loved the pilsner. Still a young beer so the head retention was relatively minimal, but I expect that to improve. Taste was light, refreshing with big hop aroma (thanks taxi!!), gonna keep this ageing for another couple of weeks at which time I'm expecting this to improve and be a very very good seasonable lager
Just wanted to this has given me a new hobby..and even though everyone else in the house thinks I 'm crackers, I know you lot understand. Cheers all
Legendary post as per usual taxi! So presumably the lager kit I've used came with an ale yeast so will be fine for under stair storage.

Bumbleblue... I absolutely 100% understand!
Why do hospitals give an appointment time and then add an hour on for good luck.
All I had to read whilst waiting was a copy of woman's own and Lancashire life.
Some cracking houses in there.
All set in there own grounds with electronic gates and fountains et all.
Enough to make you want to bang another pound on the Thunderball this week !

A pleasure Tiny.
Glad you received them OK
Only going to hop now for shorter periods of four-five days after fermentation has nearly finished.
This is on the advice of Muntons
Still not tasted the brews with the Sazz hops in yet.
Just the Hallerau.
Sazz hops are supposedly a perfect match made in heaven for the Pilsners.

Yes under the stairs or any where cool is fine Crabbers.
If you want to chill them a bit before drinking then just fridge them up for an hour or two.

The Coopers complete range of lagers only have two that utilize the lager yeast.
They are the Coopers European the one that resembles a Tin of Becks
And the Coopers Brewmaster pilsner which is think is the black tin.
These two need to ferment at around 12-13c and because of these lower temperatures will take up to 3 weeks to ferment out.
Then they require storing or lagering at temperatures of around 2c for longer periods
Usually at least 6 weeks or more.
So a heck of a lot more papping about than the ones that use the standard ale yeasts
Brewed the European and that was very much OK.
Slight initial problem with a sulpher aroma which was expected with the strain but that subsided after the extended lagering period.
And I also brewed the Brewmaster Pilsner in July

Details of the Brewmaster Pilsner brew from my records were

Coopers Brewmaster Pilsner 03/07/14
Fermented out at 13c using ice bath
Starting gravity 1042
Final gravity 1008
Strength = 4.4% ABV
Kit brewed with 500g spray malt light 500g brewing sugar and 33G
Hallertau mittalfrau dry hopped for a period of 12 days
Then Bottled up on 24th July in two litre bottles
Then Lagered on the 4th august @2c for 6 weeks
Ready to go middle of September

Drinking the Aussie lager again at the minute.
Have to say I am getting a slightly sweet after taste from it
Really nice ale but again an ever so slightly sweet aftertaste.
After doing some researching I have come to the conclusion it was fermented slightly higher than it should have done.
Looking back to my records before pitching the yeast the wort temp was around 76f
Higher than it should really be and according to online sources this can produce a slightly fruity ester to the brew.
I will be more careful next time to get the wort temperature down to the 70f mark and maintain it throughout the ferment.
Only noticeable though if your pretending to be a wine connoisseur and Analising all you glug down.
I'm starting to apply this sad-sac rule of thumb to everything that now passes through my lips.
I think I need to get out more : (
Taximania said:
Crabbers said:
Legendary post as per usual taxi! So presumably the lager kit I've used came with an ale yeast so will be fine for under stair storage.

Bumbleblue... I absolutely 100% understand!

Morning to everyone on here.
If your a lurker and maybe contemplating making your first brew then give it a go.
Feel free to ask any of the chaps on here for advice.
We are all newbies at this hobby and have lots to learn
But we will certainly help you out the best we can.
A relatively easy hobby in kit form that allows you to craft something quiet remarkable from your own fair hands
I was never gifted at crafts in school.
I could never build nothing or make nothing.
If I received an Airfix or Mechano or Lego for Christmas it was the norm for me to spit the dummy out and sulk
Why give something to a child that you had to make yourself,why pay for something that wasn't even built.
Nonsensical in the extreme and a big fat con trick from the manufactures
I tried to make a coat hanger in metal work at school.
I banged it and hammered it and planished it and filed it and two years later you still could not hang a coat on it.
The teacher always gave me massive praise and encouragement though which carried me through the difficult times.
But home brew is a totally different concept and can be accomplished by all plus its smashing fun too so grab your coat hat and scarf and toddle down the town for a gander at what's on offer
Anyway i'm waffling again so ....

Just crawled out of my pit.
I tried to get up at dinner time but felt a little giddy
Great win.
What a great turn of pace Fernado has.
In the words of Maximus Aurelius.
Where you not entertained ! !

Bottles the wine up yesterday
Managed to crack 24 bottles so not too bad at all considering the hiccups along the way
I Had to bottle up in the garage so as not to mess the house up anymore

Got to shoot now for my hospital appointment
Shower shave and dressed all in fifteen minutes.
I'm gone !



that red looks fantastic
Anyone up for an SJPORR style trade off? Without the competition element...

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