The home brew thread

Taximania said:
Bilboblue said:
mscenterh750 said:
It was a messy affair but a superb weekend. Is the wherry a nice brew?. I've got my ruby red conditioning in the garage at the moment, and will be putting a coopers stout on in the week, with a few adjustments.

Happy piss ups.

Prefer stronger beers to be honest but was impressed with my small sample last night as I kegged it.

Interested about your Ruby Red, I'll keep an eye out for your updates for sure.

Good to see you back Taxi....

Its only been five days but I missed you too pal : )
Hows the wherry coming along?

I enjoy your posts on here so it must have seemed a lot longer haha!

I just barrelled it yesterday, had a sample and it was very tasty, will be happy if it stays similar to that in the next month or two.

Probably do the American IPA next although the New World Saison looks intriguing too.
Lagers seem like a lot more hassle to me, as I am just starting out, I think I am better off staying with ales right now (I do like a good strong lager though), certainly until I have a lot more experience. Then I will probably try a wine or two as well.
Just catching up on all the posts from the last few days. Taxi, can't wait for your video. I'd meant to do another when I started a beaverdale wine on Saturday but it didn't happen!

Last night the wife decided to open one of the lagers that I only bottled 11 days ago (the ones from the video) and Surprisingly she loved it. I had a taster this evening and there's no way its ready, but the signs are positive. It lacks a certain hoppyness, but will be drunk very quickly and will make an ideal beverage for guests who like a bog standard lager. I have the ultimate taste tester staying with me this weekend (my dad is visiting) so will get the official verdict on both the wherry and the muntons lager from man whose lifeblood consists of a mix of fine red wine, kronenbourg and glenmorangie.
My Woodfordes is just brewing away nicely!

If anybody is interested, my friend bought some brewing gear, and now can't be arsed!
He has a few bits including the 5 gallon fermenting drum & the keg with tap & other bits!!
He just wants rid, so cheap as chips boys ; )

Pm me if interested
Just had 1st sample of Woodforde's, before I put it in the shed for a short while!
Actually pleasantly surprised at the look, and the taste of it!
I loved the way it poured out also!!!
Happy days piss pots ha ha
Looks a little cloudy etc...but i'm sure during the next few weeks it will start to look a little better!
Hope everyone else is doing ok!!??
good stuff Gaz.... my first Wherry's is in the barrel, one week so far.

My IPA is maturing nicely, still got around 20 pints left, when I put it in the fridge though, it goes misty, anyone got any idea why? Still tastes fine so it isn't a problem, just wondering.

Doing the American IPA kit later today and will do the New World Saison during the week.
gazhinio said:
Just had 1st sample of Woodforde's, before I put it in the shed for a short while!
Actually pleasantly surprised at the look, and the taste of it!
I loved the way it poured out also!!!
Happy days piss pots ha ha
Looks a little cloudy etc...but i'm sure during the next few weeks it will start to look a little better!
Hope everyone else is doing ok!!??
A couple of weeks and it should be clear. I bottled lager 13 days ago and it was cloudy but now its crystal clear.
Bilboblue said:
good stuff Gaz.... my first Wherry's is in the barrel, one week so far.

My IPA is maturing nicely, still got around 20 pints left, when I put it in the fridge though, it goes misty, anyone got any idea why? Still tastes fine so it isn't a problem, just wondering.

Doing the American IPA kit later today and will do the New World Saison during the week.

Chill haze, don't worry
Hi all. Ruby red is conditioning in the garage for its 2nd week. Put a stout on today, brewed with 20lts water, 1kg of extra dark spray malt and 454g of treacle, so that should be glugging away by morning.

As a cheeky one I bought two glencoe stout, two marstons oyster stout, one cheshire black stout and one belhaven stout yesterday and they were beautiful.
Just done the American IPA, starting gravity is 1046 which sounds about right I think.

Had to move the barrell of Wherry's to make space for it, so I thought I would have a try, only barrelled it last Sunday, it's quite good actually, pretty much as gazinho said, pours very nicely, if a bit lively and a tad cloudy so I am pleasantly surprised with it.

Any idea when the best time to hop the American IPA will be? Shall I go by the instructions? I usually leave the beer in the fermenter for two weeks, not one, so am not sure how that may affect it.

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