The home brew thread

mscenterh750 said:
Bilboblue said:
mscenterh750 said:
Help help help. My ruby red has been sampled just, and tastes wonderful, But I only got half a glass out and then it stopped due to a lack of pressure, but it has been conditioning for over two weeks, with the correct amount of sugar in. What has happened and what can I do? (I have co2 charges).

Maybe a stupid question but have you checked for blockages?

Otherwise in my limited mind, I would probably use the cO2 to pressurise.
Cheers bill. It's as flat as a witches tit, and still slightly cloudy. I've had it conditioning in my garage and it's been cool in temps. I'll pop a cartridge on tomorrow and see what happens, how much gas do I need to put in?. I've got a stout ready to prime and keg in some mini kegs, so once done I'll bob em in the fridge until ready.

Not had to 'gas up' yet, but seem to recall something on youtube that said basically you just wait til the sound of gas going in stops when you apply it.

Might be worth joining they have a forum on there where you can ask questions. (or any similar homebrew based forum)
Bilboblue said:
mscenterh750 said:
Bilboblue said:
Maybe a stupid question but have you checked for blockages?

Otherwise in my limited mind, I would probably use the cO2 to pressurise.
Cheers bill. It's as flat as a witches tit, and still slightly cloudy. I've had it conditioning in my garage and it's been cool in temps. I'll pop a cartridge on tomorrow and see what happens, how much gas do I need to put in?. I've got a stout ready to prime and keg in some mini kegs, so once done I'll bob em in the fridge until ready.

Not had to 'gas up' yet, but seem to recall something on youtube that said basically you just wait til the sound of gas going in stops when you apply it.

Might be worth joining they have a forum on there where you can ask questions. (or any similar homebrew based forum)
I'll hop on the forum on there, because I made myself a member and get all my ale stuff from the site. I'm just hoping it isn't fucked.
mscenterh750 said:
After a minor hiccup with my ruby red, it's all going seemingly well. I've got my own sticky wicket stout easy kegged up and conditioning, as is the ruby and got 5 bottles of Chardonnay maturing in the fridge.

Did the simple gassing up work?
Bilboblue said:
mscenterh750 said:
After a minor hiccup with my ruby red, it's all going seemingly well. I've got my own sticky wicket stout easy kegged up and conditioning, as is the ruby and got 5 bottles of Chardonnay maturing in the fridge.

Did the simple gassing up work?
Hi BB. No I haven't tried that yet, I have put it inside, re primed it, changed the cap on the top and have a brew belt around it. I'll give it a gas up once it's been back in the garage for two weeks or so. I'm keeping it warm inside for two weeks at the moment, and I can just make out a frothy head on it, so fingers crossed it will be fine. I took a sample of the stout before kegging and it's grand, also the chardonnay is good and tastes like it could be rocket fuel!. Get yourself on to the brewuk forum it's bloody brilliant.

What are you brewing at the moment?.

Happy brewing to everyone.
I have an American IPA on the go, just about to barrel or bottle it (not decided yet) but I'm a bit wary of it, it's dry hopped and the instructions said to just drop them into the brew, it has formed a crust on the top of the mix, not sure about that at all but time will tell.

Don't know what to do next as I have a chocolate stout, another Wherrys, a Saison and an American Oaked Rum Ale to do... decisions, decisions!

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