The home brew thread

mscenterh750 said:
I'm not to sure about the crust either. Have you got a straining bag to put the hops in?. Wow that's a lot of brewing you're going to be doing BB. My next venture is a choc liqueur stout.

I blame Taxi, TINY and others for my new hobby lol

It's actually a sort of elastic topping, I checked the Brewuk forum and it's natural so I am relieved. What is your id on there mate?

I got a few kits when they were on special, I think I will get another Wherry's too as the one I put in the barrel is almost gone and I love it. (If it is still at £14-odd at Wilko's!)
Bilboblue said:
mscenterh750 said:
I'm not to sure about the crust either. Have you got a straining bag to put the hops in?. Wow that's a lot of brewing you're going to be doing BB. My next venture is a choc liqueur stout.

I blame Taxi, TINY and others for my new hobby lol

It's actually a sort of elastic topping, I checked the Brewuk forum and it's natural so I am relieved. What is your id on there mate?

I got a few kits when they were on special, I think I will get another Wherry's too as the one I put in the barrel is almost gone and I love it. (If it is still at £14-odd at Wilko's!)
It's a great hobby to have though, I love it. My id on brewuk is : brewmatt.
I'm fooked.... days work then came back and bottled my American IPA, think I may have left the hops in too long, combination of a trip to Amsterdam for four nights, followed by being ill for a few days :o(

Sterilised everything then made up a New World Saison kit, sounds decent, and an American Oaked Rum Ale kit which smells tremendous even just at the mixing stage, really looking forward to a month or so's time for a taster of that one.

Just a Chocolate Stout and a Wherry's left after this.

Thinking of doing a wine kit after, any ideas how easy that is guys?
Brought 6 of my barolla on holiday with me, brewed after tasting taxis. Currently watching United getting beat, fan blowing down my back with a bottle of red in mallorcan heat. Life is currently good.
TINY said:
Brought 6 of my barolla on holiday with me, brewed after tasting taxis. Currently watching United getting beat, fan blowing down my back with a bottle of red in mallorcan heat. Life is currently good.

I have them on in the background tiny.
Fingers crossed
We must have been like ships in the night
Just come back from Sa coma
Cheeky four day break was all we could afford but top bannana all the same
85F it was and good to go
Enjoy pal ;
Just up the road. I'm in Cala millor. I'm on my 2nd bottle tonight (9:48pm here) and it's going down too well, I've already told the Mrs she's on a promise tonight. Lucky woman.
Taximania said:
TINY said:
Just up the road. I'm in Cala millor. I'm on my 2nd bottle tonight (9:48pm here) and it's going down too well, I've already told the Mrs she's on a promise tonight. Lucky woman.

Why, are you taking her to see the caves of Drach ?

Lucky girl isn't she.
Taximania said:
Bilboblue said:
Well this thread died a death, didn't it?!

Bilbo I leave you in command and you fall to the floor in desolate despair
Dying a death with nearly fourteen thousand hits is a very gallant death indeed
Rest a while and compose yourself.

We have been away performing many tasks both in Cyberland and that cheeky little place called Reality-ville
We did not abandon you when you IPA was gurgling away
Any way have a poem to calm you down : )

One night I dreamed a dream.
As I was walking out of wilkos .
Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life.
For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the soil,
One belonging to me and one to Taxi and brew chums who were all sat on each others shoulders : )

After the last scene of my life flashed before me,
I looked back at the footprints in the soil.
I noticed that at many times along the path of my brewing adventures
Especially at the very lowest and saddest times when my wherry cause me wherry,
And my hops were not dancing the dance
And my IPA had simply gone away
There was only one set of footprints.

This really troubled me, so I asked about it.
You said once I decided to muck in,
You'd walk with me all the way.
But I noticed that during the saddest and most shittiest brews of my life,
There was only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why, when I needed You the most, You wasn't there.

My precious Bilbo, we all appreciate your brews and contributions and would never never leave you
Never, ever, during all your trials and testings tastes and hydrometer readings .

When you saw only one set of footprints,
It was then that we all carried you."

So whats happening piss cans in the world of home brew

We have been supping and slurping our way through a crazy amount of brews
Could not brew any more as instead of a hobby it would have become an obsession
A sort of OCD of the hop world
I would log on and go to the and after minutes would be trawling suppliers to copy other cyber chums recipes
Sometimes lines in the sand have to be drawn,they just have to be !

Our reserves are getting to a sensible level now

I might have mentioned this previously but here is my take on our fansastic journey though the world of home brew

Wines are incredible if the right kits are purchased
Time is of the essence to
A lot of the Beaverdale kits and other higher end jobbies are complete kits and require nothing but water adding
They are drinkable in three weeks
However as the wife has been working her way though the twenty odd bottles of Barolla we have both found that time is our best allies
The Beaverdale we are clacking back now would make a celibate monk cream himself
It is so smooth and fruity and rich and blah blah blah
I am so confident that this wine rips the socks off any thing out there in the £10 mark that I will happily give a bottle out to brewers off here for their intense perusal and in depth anal-ization.
First three peeps that have previously contributed to this thread in the past then I will donate one full bottle to each given over at the Newcastle or cska home matches
I am not blowing my own trumpet Cellerites as I did not really make it,
I just followed the detailed instructions but mais oui mais oui mais oui
If I was a wine expert giving a review for Country life or some posh wag magazine then I would say
"In my trusted opinion this is the doggies bollocks of a vineyard insanity
How a mere grape can convert itself into this mouthwatering concoction is to verily defy the laws of physics itself"

The ales are great
I cannot praise the Woodies wherry or milestone kits highly enough.
They are a tribute to all that is home brew.
They will raise the hairs on the nape of your knecks.

And then we have my favourite lagers and I have brewed many
I had to send some of them to the valhalian sewer gods in exchange for better harvests.
You taste some of them and no matter how hard you want them to be agreeable they are just not
Tried this with the same kit brewing differently every time and still similar results
With some I applied the passing of time but unfortunately you cant make a silk purse from a sows ear eh
And then some of my lagers have been quite superb,quite superb indeed !
I have to say though as a newbie coming in to the game just concentrate on the ales and wines.

The greatest gift we have received in our new hobbie though is the wine brewing
I cant remember any wines under £10 a bottle tasting so exquisite as these.
Barolla is now around eight weeks old and and ... and I cannot eloquently put into words how shit-hot this Barolla has turned out to be.
At times turning one quiet tearful to have created such a companion to modern day living.
I implore you to rush out and buy it now !
You still here ? ....

Have some more Beaverdale on the go and at the stabilizing stage,this will be ready for Christmas
Who wants socks hankies gruds and old spice when you can fully entertain your tongue and tonsils with this one

Let me know if any three peeps want a bash of my Barolla
You have to have contributed to this thread though to qualify

Adios amigos and god speed City tomorrow night
That is all

Think once think twice
Think Barolla !

i did try and make a film like one of our chums here but as I bent over to stir I dropped it slipped into the wort.
Funny thing was the chip was still good to go when i wiped it and put it into my backup phone.
Insured so not to fret frither or cause a scene but I readily admit to squealing like a pig at the time.

You-tube vid is still on when I get a moment

Back with a bang Taxi, love it!

Count me in to try a bottle.... I am trying to get up for the CSKA game, I won't be doing Newcastle, can't afford too many half days and £70 fuel costings before Chrstmas, I can get that barrel off ya too, if you still have it?

Where do you get the Barolla from? Sounds very good, I wasn't too sure about the Wherry, but as mine is nearly all gone, I won;t question your judgement again haha!

I have an American Oaked Ale and a Saison in the fermenters right now and I bottled an American IPA last Friday as you may have read, but I could have ruined it by leaving the hops in too long, I hope not.

The Oaked Ale still smells fantastic, can't wait to get started on that.
Bottled the American IPA last Friday, filled 21 litre bottles, one not quite to the top.

I put this one in the fridge and tried it last night.

My fears about the hop pellets being in too long were over the top, it definitely has a massive hoppy aroma and it does taste more hop-like than a normal IPA but it went down well, I am more at ease about it now, so will leave it for a month or so.

The Oaked Rum Ale still smells lush and the New World Saison is still bubbling away merrily.

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