The home support is terrible

waspish said:
That's why the singing section is going to be important now and the future, with more fans now sitting there wanting to be entertained or the players to do something before opening there mouths! But this slow lethargic play doesn't get you of your seat or singing when there was a quick attack and skill with Aguero just having a heavy touch In the box the crowd started singing! It's a two way thing you know!

So you think that 500 or so fans out of 40,000 is really going to make that much difference to the way the players are playing? I've every sympathy with the 1894 group who are trying their best to raise the profile of the singing section but from what I heard last week, considering there are so many people going on and on about the singing section, there don't seem to be that many signing up!! If you (not you waspish) are serious about a singing section and want to move get signing up!!

I won't be, because I like & need (as I keep saying) to SIT on the front row of the CBL1, and will keep on singing and shouting but encourage anyone who thinks the singing section will make a difference to do something about it.

One thing, & this is not meant as a negative, please remember that a lot of people are looking back with rose coloured spectacles at the 'atmosphere and noise' at Maine Road. Maine Road could be a cauldron on Derby Days but there were lots and lots of times when it was like a morgue. There are no halcyon days, just days that we try to make into those sort of days.

So do not expect a quick fix with a singing section please, just get on with it and do the best we can. I will continue to sing, and I am here to tell you that in the CBL yesterday there were a lot more people singing than normal. Maybe they were trying to drown out my 'singing'!!!! :-)
Scaring Europe to Death said:
You can only play the GET BEHIND THE LADS card for so long.

1 win in 6 games, possibly our worst run since the Hughes era (and even then I'm not sure)

The atmosphere is rubbish because the team are playing rubbish.
Spot on mate, it is hard to get worked up when you are witnessing absolute garbage on the pitch.

Our performances at home have been sub-standard for some time now and we are arriving at the stadium with no optimism at all.

It is up to the manager, coaching staff and players to show more fire and passion then the fans will join in.
Best match day I had was Hull away this season .
Getting a bit bored with these presenters in City square .
It doesn't make the atmosphere any better .
Marvin said:
fathellensbellend said:
46 quid v hull city, is not going to attract the kind of supporters that historically make an atmosphere, and nor will a team that is just going through the motions, we used to kill games very quickly, straight onto the front foot, now the first half feels like a rehearsal, for the panic that is the second half.

the onus is on the team and the manager.
But nearly all the fans who go are the same who go every week and have done for 30 years

The crowd is quiet because they can see what is unfolding on the pitch and it drains the life out of you

you need thousands of 16-25 year olds behind a goal to create an atmosphere, I would allow family prices all around the stadium as opposed to the too big family stand so it was still affordable, and give all the north stand and the south stand to those who want to make a noise and price it accordingly, I would ensure 16-21 year olds could get in for no more than 15 quid per game, the dynamic of the stadium would alter very quickly. Ticket prices mean very little in modern football, yet it just goes up and up, a home game for all the improvements lacks any spark, and most games are very sterile.
Personally I go to be entertained, not to inflate egos.

Maine Rd was quiet at times to. During our really shite years we'd sing songs to entertain ourselves due to the poor displays, however the old kippax crowd can't come up with anything witty anymore as that wouldn't be cool. So we just sit there watching slow predictable football, with the only thing to think about is the crazy subs, cold feet and the damage to my wallet.
What do people expect when the club have turned the matchday into a cringy iPad app circus it's boring going to the match these day's it really is.
Scottyboi said:
What do people expect when the club have turned the matchday into a cringy iPad app circus it's boring going to the match these day's it really is.
I agree .
Its like been at the circus .
Yesterday for me was the game that will result in me moving to the cheapest seat I can get next season and if I can't get a cheap one, unfortunately i'm out, yes I know the club won't give a shit as they will fill my seat but that's modern day footy for you, i'm not staying where I am, paying what I do when i'm not even being entertained anymore, it's flat as a pancake as it is now full of day trippers where I sit, the team don't seem to care much either and when I work out how much it costs per game I start to wonder if it is actually worth it now, there are a lot of other hobbies that cost a damn lot less than what we are paying, I may even just go to away games next season as at least the 'buzz' is still there, I haven't not been able to get a ticket for an away for over 10 years now so it's not like this is particulatly knee jerk as i've seen us play some real shite over the years, I think I preferred us (as a fan base) when we were shit and had no expectations!
give it to gordon said:
My two lads and me use to come up 2 or 3 times a season, not alot but a 600mile round trip has something to do with that, but also the price when the lads first started coming up it was a fiver each and twenty quid for me ........ £30 for all three of us ! Now it nearer £100........than theres petrol.

I think football as a whole has a problem with lack of fans and atmosphere to many teams like to park the bus its all about staying in the premiership and sod the entertainment.

Teams have worked out how to play us sit back 10 behind the ball than counter with pace, if there attack breaks down City arent in a rush to get forward so they get 10 back easily. .......its boring..... is it worth playing around £250 for us to watch it ? When we have other bills that need paying

Absolutly not.

As I always say, I don't mind if we lose 10-0 so long as the players gave it their best. One of the reasons why the prices are so high now is because we are meant to be seeing some of the best players play at their best and have the skill to get passed a wall of players who are desperate to stay in the Premier League where the money is.

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