The 'I deserve a ticket for QPR' thread

Where there is a will there is a way.......

I couldnt get tickets for Blackburn away 2000 but ended up in their main stand. Cost me a ton but it was a ton well spent!

Get yourselves down to the ground early, get in Mary D's, ask around, See what the touts are charging as they will have tickets, see if any QPR fans have any spares as they get off their coaches.

If you dont try you dont get...
squirtyflower said:
Cheesy said:
I deserve one otherwise I am going to go fucking mental with the ban hammer just on kick off time.
An empty Bluemoon, just posting to yourself?

At least I'll get some sensible conversation ;-)
Utter bollocks mate. It's a shame that true City fans will miss out due to illness, but you can't go saying that you deserve it more than people who are at the match. If you don't go to he games what do you expect? I'm not criticising you for that as that's entirely your choice but don't complain when you can't get a ticket. I bet you weren't trying to get a ticket for the west brom game were you? Ps. I live 115 miles away and have a season ticket.
Johnsonontheleft said:
I may be shot down for this but I feel that though I can't get a ticket for QPR on Sunday, I deserve to be there. I've supported City for 30 years, a season ticket holder for most of the 90s but because of where I now live (200 miles away) and because I have 2 kids to look after I just can't have a season ticket, and because of this I can't go.

The amount of money and time I've ploughed into this club, when the chips were down and the crowd used to chant 'we're shit and we're sick of it' at Maine Road, makes me feel like I deserve a ticket more than some of the 'johnny-come-latelys' who haven't been through the same shit I have for so long. I was a junior blue, had my birthday parties at Maine Road, went to platt lane every week to collect autographs from the likes of Quinny and Tony Coton and Paul Lake. Scouts from City watched me as a kid but I wasn't good enough. I've had every kit since 1990.

I fluked a ticket for the FA cup final, but have been unsuccessful for this one. It kills me inside. I deserve to be there and certain others do not.

Does anyone else feel like this?

Where there's a will there's a way, fella. Use your creativity, although it's much easier to say that when you have money.

Get down there and get hussling and I think there's a good chance one will turn up.

Good luck.
You can climb up them spirals you know, really isn't hard. Seen chavs hop up there in less than a couple of seconds, though they are like monkeys in most senses

Feel for people on this thread who have done their time so to speak but I'm getting a bit sick of City fans going on about daytrippers, plastics and the like. Beginning to wonder if some of them will actually be able to enjoy the day or whether they'll be prowling round trying to sniff out city fans who weren't at York away...
The Fat el Hombre said:
Feel for people on this thread who have done their time so to speak but I'm getting a bit sick of City fans going on about daytrippers, plastics and the like. Beginning to wonder if some of them will actually be able to enjoy the day or whether they'll be prowling round trying to sniff out city fans who weren't at York away...

Well said Fatty.

I find this "daytripper" talk embarrassing as well to be honest. It doesn't sit well with me.

If someone is passionate enough to want to be there then I wish them all the luck in the world in the quest for tickets.
bowp said:
I do love threads like this :-) End of if you have a ticket it doesnt matter if you deserve it or not...

I have a ticket and just hoping I can make the match! On a stag do in Brussels and have booked an earlier flight home and land in Manchester at 1pm. Cant believe Im relying on Ryanair & British immigration to make the match!

Bloody hell hope you make it!
Juan King said:
It wasn't that hard to get tickets when they came out. As has been said by another poster quite a few didn't bother as they thought we were out of the title race after losing at Arsenal. Now that we are back in it people want tickets. I have no sympathy for people like that who are glory hunters. Like has been said the OP wouldn't be moaning about not having a ticket if we had no chance of winning the league at this game.

This is correct. I didn't buy one when I first could. I cheked the web site a good few days later and suprisingly it still hadn't sold out. Luckily for me I decided to pay the £50 to sit in 3rd tier, because I thought if there's a chance this goes down to the wire I'd hate to miss out.

I'm sure, like you say loads didn't bother as they thought there'd be nothing on the game. Now there are a fans thay have followed them for years and could have had a ticket if they wanted but chose not to back when they went on sale. Meanwhile I'll probably be sat next to Johny-come-latley cheering on the boys in our City merch.
Johnsonontheleft said:
I may be shot down for this but I feel that though I can't get a ticket for QPR on Sunday, I deserve to be there. I've supported City for 30 years, a season ticket holder for most of the 90s but because of where I now live (200 miles away) and because I have 2 kids to look after I just can't have a season ticket, and because of this I can't go.

The amount of money and time I've ploughed into this club, when the chips were down and the crowd used to chant 'we're shit and we're sick of it' at Maine Road, makes me feel like I deserve a ticket more than some of the 'johnny-come-latelys' who haven't been through the same shit I have for so long. I was a junior blue, had my birthday parties at Maine Road, went to platt lane every week to collect autographs from the likes of Quinny and Tony Coton and Paul Lake. Scouts from City watched me as a kid but I wasn't good enough. I've had every kit since 1990.

I fluked a ticket for the FA cup final, but have been unsuccessful for this one. It kills me inside. I deserve to be there and certain others do not.

Does anyone else feel like this?

Really sorry to hear this mate, and many other situations like it.

I have been going for 30-odd years from the age of four with my dad and two brothers.

Two who will miss out, this weekend. Loyalty shouldn't be equated to the size of wallet, but it's a sad reality in many cases.

I have loads of mates who won't be inside for this game, who try to get to game when they can, it affords them.

I honestly think Old Trafford wouldn't be big enough to hold the numbers who want/deserve to be there this weekend.

Guys like you, others, content yourself in the knowledge nobody can take it away from you how you will hopefully feel on Sunday.

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