The idiocy (and selfishness) of panic buying

Each and every person who has done this is a **** of the very highest order. If you are one you are a selfish disgrace.

I would have the army on the door of supermarkets with orders to shoot any fucker that does it before returning the shopping to be had by less selfish people.

I am not joking either they deserve no less...fucking twats.
Stores should just say 1 item/pack per customer ,some twat just came out in front of me with half a ton of pasta and rice.
Not in our gaff as it's reminiscent of a scene from Rocky V as our pan lids roll it round their fists to get the jobbie done and I have told them countless times that one-sheet is enough. The wife said leave them alone Bob as they are only having fun but she wont be so fooking chirpy when she's having to use Regina for her Vegina : /
Just like our house.
Unless you roll it of till you cant see your feet it's not worth doing.
And that's just for a piss
There were several signs on the empty shelves saying 'restricted to 5 per person'. This for the bog rolls in packets of 9 rolls. The shop assistant told me a family with 2 teenage kids bought the maximum. Kids just buying the rolls.Thats 4 x 5 x 9 = 180 rolls in just one visit l hope they all have a flaw and their fingers go through.

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