The Independent Group

This will be interesting. Looks like only a small number however it forms an alternative and it will sharpen the mind of May and Corbyn. Far too much focus on placating the leavers in both parties. If it caries on then brexit is only going to get worse and the remainers will continue to agitate, without concessions and a softening of brexit, they have an ultimate sanction in that they can jump and have something to jump to.

For many MPs the prospect of fighting a GE without the backing of a big party machine is not good - however if brexit turns out to be as bad as all signs indicate then fighting the next GE worth that hanging over it will be a unique circumstance.
Tories will face the blame for brexit but then their voters are the least likely to care. They will push on with it and lose voters as a result.
Labour will face the heat for not opposing it and what stance they will adopt is a mystery, we will either be out in which case do they campaign to rejoin, the members will want to but Corbyn and his cult will want to stay out, or we will still be in in which case members will want to remain in permanently where as Corbyn will want to leave. That mess is not sustainable for many of the moderate remainer MPs.

This could start small and grow.
This will be interesting. Looks like only a small number however it forms an alternative and it will sharpen the mind of May and Corbyn. Far too much focus on placating the leavers in both parties. If it caries on then brexit is only going to get worse and the remainers will continue to agitate, without concessions and a softening of brexit, they have an ultimate sanction in that they can jump and have something to jump to.

For many MPs the prospect of fighting a GE without the backing of a big party machine is not good - however if brexit turns out to be as bad as all signs indicate then fighting the next GE worth that hanging over it will be a unique circumstance.
Tories will face the blame for brexit but then there voters are the leaset likely to care. Labour will face the heat for not opposing it and what stance they will adopt is a mystery, we will either be out in which case do they campaign to rejoin, the members will want to but Corbyn and his cult will want to stay out, or we will still be in in which case members will want to remain in permanently where as Corbyn will want to

First two MPs have said it's about anti-semitism and general Corbyn politics, not Brexit.
Wasn't expecting my MP (Ann Coffey) to be one of those to leave.
Wasn't expecting my MP (Ann Coffey) to be one of those to leave.

I'm not surprised (I know her as i went to school with her daughter)- she has voted against everything brexit and wont hang around to support Corbyn as if it goes through.
They have only resigned the party and not formed a new one.
Will be fun to see how they vote in parliament.

It is the expected 7 though and so doubt the leadership cares was known they were going.
Is it going to be called "New New Labour?"

The 'hijacked by the extreme left' comments are obviously going to rankle a number of Labour advocates. Just what we need right now; the opposition tearing itself apart...

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