The Italian Benitez...

Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
Am i allowed to say hbruz's post is magnificent or am i simply agreeing with absolutely everything he said because i'm a 'Mancini' fan?

It's magnificent because it's a wonderful piece of essay writing which completely reaffirms those opinions held by most of the people who think Mancini can do little or no's a fine fine post, don't get me wrong...

But given the time and inclination I'm sure there's a few of us on here who could write something equally insightful and detailed about why Mancini isn't the right guy. Would it make any of you lot change your views of him? Not a chance...and I don't think I or anyone else wants you to change your views on him...

That's the beauty of this place....opposing opinions....
BillyShears said:
Lancet Fluke said:
You're an embarrassment.

Why? Because I dared to criticize Roberto...

If you hadn't already noticed, this thread's full of "you're a dick", "you're a twat" blah blah blah.

Just continues to show how incapable some of you lot are of dealing with opinions that disagree with your own...

I'll say it again....Mancini's the Italian Rafa that a bad thing? Maybe not, as someone else pointed out, Benitez did pretty well in his time at Liverpool...

He's the emperor's new clothes? Seems like it to me. Expensive signings with little improvement in the quality of football or results. Yes you need only read the impassioned essay from the lad a page or so back to see just how much people want to believe in him...

Good on you all. I'm not asking you to join me, because fuck knows there's enough Blues out there who remain as unconvinced as me...

But an embarrassment? Well, you'll be pleased to know I neither feel that, nor particularly care that you feel like that...

Theres a difference between Criticizing the manager and suggesting he's a lucky manager. If you feel he was lucky and all he done was get given the 3 titles by default then theres really no point having any discussion with you on the subject because it's clearly not true
Failsworth_Blue said:
BillyShears said:
Why? Because I dared to criticize Roberto...

If you hadn't already noticed, this thread's full of "you're a dick", "you're a twat" blah blah blah.

Just continues to show how incapable some of you lot are of dealing with opinions that disagree with your own...

I'll say it again....Mancini's the Italian Rafa that a bad thing? Maybe not, as someone else pointed out, Benitez did pretty well in his time at Liverpool...

He's the emperor's new clothes? Seems like it to me. Expensive signings with little improvement in the quality of football or results. Yes you need only read the impassioned essay from the lad a page or so back to see just how much people want to believe in him...

Good on you all. I'm not asking you to join me, because fuck knows there's enough Blues out there who remain as unconvinced as me...

But an embarrassment? Well, you'll be pleased to know I neither feel that, nor particularly care that you feel like that...

Theres a difference between Criticizing the manager and suggesting he's a lucky manager. If you feel he was lucky and all he done was get given the 3 titles by default then theres really no point having any discussion with you on the subject because it's clearly not true

No there's not. It's the same thing. I think he's lucky. He was lucky with what happened in Serie A - it afforded him the space and resources to build his reputation without worrying massively about his competition...does that make him a bad manager? Not at all...but it also doesn't make him "the best young manager in the world" or whatever other completely exaggerated label you want to stick above his shoulders...
BillyShears said:
Lancet Fluke said:
You're an embarrassment.

Why? Because I dared to criticize Roberto...

If you hadn't already noticed, this thread's full of "you're a dick", "you're a twat" blah blah blah.

Just continues to show how incapable some of you lot are of dealing with opinions that disagree with your own...

I'll say it again....Mancini's the Italian Rafa that a bad thing? Maybe not, as someone else pointed out, Benitez did pretty well in his time at Liverpool...

He's the emperor's new clothes? Seems like it to me. Expensive signings with little improvement in the quality of football or results. Yes you need only read the impassioned essay from the lad a page or so back to see just how much people want to believe in him...

Good on you all. I'm not asking you to join me, because fuck knows there's enough Blues out there who remain as unconvinced as me...

But an embarrassment? Well, you'll be pleased to know I neither feel that, nor particularly care that you feel like that...

No not at all. I am perfectly able to accept reasonable criticism of Mancini, in fact I am able to see the good and bad in him myself and am certainly not someone who refuses to see any faults in him (although broadly I am pretty supportive of him because I think he is a decent manager). However, when people (usually you to be fair) start going on about how his track record isn't good and how he only won his Serie A titles because he was "given" them, I feel angry and genuinely embarrassed that City supporters can come out with such dross. Why don't you take a proper look at what he has won (including why Inter were "given" the first title and how convincingly they won the second and third), who he has won things with, how much he has improved the teams at the clubs he has been at. You don't like the guy, we get it and frankly you are obviously entitled to your opinions but at least be constructive and reasoned with your criticism because when you resort to cheap shots at his excellent track record, you just sound desperate.
Wow hbruz80...the best bit of anlytic football writing I ever saw. Credit to you sir. A contender for best post ever.....
Hbruzs post was excellent.Billy i normally like your posts but not this time im afraid.The good thing about a forum is the frank exchange of views but as far as i can see most people want Mancini to stay.I agree with that and would urge all Blues to show the patience we have shown for so many years.
Lancet Fluke said:
BillyShears said:
Why? Because I dared to criticize Roberto...

If you hadn't already noticed, this thread's full of "you're a dick", "you're a twat" blah blah blah.

Just continues to show how incapable some of you lot are of dealing with opinions that disagree with your own...

I'll say it again....Mancini's the Italian Rafa that a bad thing? Maybe not, as someone else pointed out, Benitez did pretty well in his time at Liverpool...

He's the emperor's new clothes? Seems like it to me. Expensive signings with little improvement in the quality of football or results. Yes you need only read the impassioned essay from the lad a page or so back to see just how much people want to believe in him...

Good on you all. I'm not asking you to join me, because fuck knows there's enough Blues out there who remain as unconvinced as me...

But an embarrassment? Well, you'll be pleased to know I neither feel that, nor particularly care that you feel like that...

No not at all. I am perfectly able to accept reasonable criticism of Mancini, in fact I am able to see the good and bad in him myself and am certainly not someone who refuses to see any faults in him (although broadly I am pretty supportive of him because I think he is a decent manager). However, when people (usually you to be fair) start going on about how his track record isn't good and how he only won his Serie A titles because he was "given" them, I feel angry and genuinely embarrassed that City supporters can come out with such dross. Why don't you take a proper look at what he has won (including why Inter were "given" the first title and how convincingly they won the second and third), who he has won things with, how much he has improved the teams at the clubs he has been at. You don't like the guy, we get it and frankly you are obviously entitled to your opinions but at least be constructive and reasoned with your criticism because when you resort to cheap shots at his excellent track record, you just sound desperate.

You think it's dross because you don't believe it....have you read the whole thread? Do you know why I'm so frustrated with Mancini? Do you know there are others like me? They also post on this board. Some of them hold stronger negative opinions about him than I do...

I was frustrated and I acknowledge that the comment about being 'given' the title was a cheap shot. It doesn't however change my belief that Mancini is going to struggle to win the league just as Benitez did.
Benitez was worshipped by the majority of Liverpool fans and some would still like him back. However a growing minority wanted him out and eventually he was sacked and replaced by Roy Evans. Who, last time I looked, they all thought was a clown who ought to resign.

The moral is clear for me - don't ask for a change unless you are sure you are getting someone better. The 'someone betters' than Mancini are few and far between, and are not necessarily interested in joining City, hard though that may be to believe.

I think some of our fans underestimate that task of turning the old City into a title-winning outfit. It's a big job, it will take time and it needs a decent manager like Mancini. Mancini would not be paid all that money if anyone could do his job. Too many people on here seem to think it's a piece of piss and that he's just having a laugh. Not so.
BillyShears said:
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
Am i allowed to say hbruz's post is magnificent or am i simply agreeing with absolutely everything he said because i'm a 'Mancini' fan?

It's magnificent because it's a wonderful piece of essay writing which completely reaffirms those opinions held by most of the people who think Mancini can do little or no's a fine fine post, don't get me wrong...

But given the time and inclination I'm sure there's a few of us on here who could write something equally insightful and detailed about why Mancini isn't the right guy. Would it make any of you lot change your views of him? Not a chance...and I don't think I or anyone else wants you to change your views on him...

That's the beauty of this place....opposing opinions....

dunno,mate,i've give my opinion a couple of times and been jummped on and called a rag.
BillyShears said:
Failsworth_Blue said:
Theres a difference between Criticizing the manager and suggesting he's a lucky manager. If you feel he was lucky and all he done was get given the 3 titles by default then theres really no point having any discussion with you on the subject because it's clearly not true

No there's not. It's the same thing. I think he's lucky. He was lucky with what happened in Serie A - it afforded him the space and resources to build his reputation without worrying massively about his competition...does that make him a bad manager? Not at all...but it also doesn't make him "the best young manager in the world" or whatever other completely exaggerated label you want to stick above his shoulders...

So say you say i don't believe Mancini is attacking enough, his tactics are wrong, he's negative etc is the same as you saying he's a lucky manager? One is offering your opinion based on what you see in front of you , the other suggests that his achievements are all down to luck when quite clearly it's not the case. Of course there was an element of luck in terms of how it all happened in but his achievements with Lazio, Fiorentina and with Inter even if you dismiss the first title are not what i'd call those of a lucky manager

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