The Italian Benitez...

Ha! Come on Billy, we're all awaiting your intellectual riposte telling us why Mancini isn't the man for us.

I would also like to say your assessment of 'results haven't improved' is very clearly wrong but then you probably know that.

And finally, I don't think you're a dick because you have a different opinion, I just think you are a dick!
jay_mcfc said:
Ha! Come on Billy, we're all awaiting your intellectual riposte telling us why Mancini isn't the man for us.

I would also like to say your assessment of 'results haven't improved' is very clearly wrong but then you probably know that.

And finally, I don't think you're a dick because you have a different opinion, I just think you are a dick!

He probably thinks you're a dick as well...
mcfcliam said:
jay_mcfc said:
Ha! Come on Billy, we're all awaiting your intellectual riposte telling us why Mancini isn't the man for us.

I would also like to say your assessment of 'results haven't improved' is very clearly wrong but then you probably know that.

And finally, I don't think you're a dick because you have a different opinion, I just think you are a dick!

He probably thinks you're a dick as well...

I think Jay secretly fancies me...a bit of a school yard crush mind you...if you check out all his posts in this thread, they're all the same..."rah, rah, rah...I hate billy...billy is a dick....billy is so thick...ooh, look here's to me billy...please billy....i think you're dick....tell me the feeling's mutual..."

He'll grow out of it when puberty hits...
Just a point on how the rags are being painted by some as supposedly their worst team since Tommy Doc got them relegated, they're unbeaten in 24 competitive matches FFS!

Great post by hbruz80, says everything I'd want to say about the issue.
BillyShears said:
I think Jay secretly fancies me...a bit of a school yard crush mind you...if you check out all his posts in this thread, they're all the same..."rah, rah, rah...I hate billy...billy is a dick....billy is so thick...ooh, look here's to me billy...please billy....i think you're dick....tell me the feeling's mutual..."

He'll grow out of it when puberty hits...

You usually send it in a threatening pm...
BillyShears said:
Bigga said:
Well, you've had all night to think of a riposte. I'm sure all of us will be willing to give you or any other 'anti' the time to absorb the reply critique.

The door is opening awaiting the first snappy retaliation...

Why, so I can be talked down to by those who accuse me of talking down to to others. Abused by those who accuse me abusing others. You've read this thread, in fact you had your say. I believe it was your continued chuckling at how stupid I am...

Jog on Bigga...


With the exception of Chick Counterfly there's not a single one of you who has the smarts to write a post coming close to the one that lad has written...check you all out now crowing about how clever he that's embarrassing...

I personally feel that that is an unfair and inaccurate generalistion of the posts of others who disagree with you OP and your position thereafter.
BillyShears said:
Bigga said:
Well, you've had all night to think of a riposte. I'm sure all of us will be willing to give you or any other 'anti' the time to absorb the reply critique.

The door is opening awaiting the first snappy retaliation...

Why, so I can be talked down to by those who accuse me of talking down to to others. Abused by those who accuse me abusing others. You've read this thread, in fact you had your say. I believe it was your continued chuckling at how stupid I am...

Jog on Bigga...

Now now, don't be like that!!

Did I not say we'd give it fair read?? After all, you DO have a lot to say on the Mancini appointment, so I figured you and whomever might fancy the chance at a good exchange. But you're already ducking the chance and you're making yourself look silly.

Anyway, no pressure. Take your time...
Bigga said:
BillyShears said:
Why, so I can be talked down to by those who accuse me of talking down to to others. Abused by those who accuse me abusing others. You've read this thread, in fact you had your say. I believe it was your continued chuckling at how stupid I am...

Jog on Bigga...

Now now, don't be like that!!

Did I not say we'd give it fair read?? After all, you DO have a lot to say on the Mancini appointment, so I figured you and whomever might fancy the chance at a good exchange. But you're already ducking the chance and you're making yourself look silly.

Anyway, no pressure. Take your time...

I'm sure you take more satisfaction in thinking I'm "ducking the chance" and am making myself "look silly". Like I said, jog on...
BillyShears said:
Bigga said:
Now now, don't be like that!!

Did I not say we'd give it fair read?? After all, you DO have a lot to say on the Mancini appointment, so I figured you and whomever might fancy the chance at a good exchange. But you're already ducking the chance and you're making yourself look silly.

Anyway, no pressure. Take your time...

I'm sure you take more satisfaction in thinking I'm "ducking the chance" and am making myself "look silly". Like I said, jog on...

The smell of paint must be quite strong in that corner dude ;-)
Chick Counterfly said:
posted this in the other thread;

You could well be right. I've never been convinced he is well qualified to turn us into world beaters, but there is a lot of work that has to come before that. I believe his experience and pragmatic nature makes him highly suitable for that.

I know not everyone sees it this way, but I think nailed on steady progress for the next two years is exactly what we need. Comfortable fourth this year, look to pick off Utd or Arsenal. Next year, go all out at Chelsea, at least run them close, and get through the CL group stages. Just as importantly, lose the 'agent's paradise' / soft-centred / perennial-joke-club tags. He'll get his top four comfortably, I've no doubt at all. The likelyhood of a very proper challenge next year will only become clear over the course of this season.

He'll never, ever be 'popular', he never was at Inter... but I do think he'll leave us in a hell of a fitter state. When a club comes into money, the Kevin Keegan 'idealist-populist' type of manager often has more short term success, but once it falters, it's not just that they can't pay the bills, the make up of the playing staff is revealed to be fucked up, the mentality goes south because they don't have anything to fall back on... it was all 'belief' and form, and the underlying 'belief' disappears with the form, meaning the club ends up punching far below their weight. With Mancini, I never, ever feel we are going falter that badly, we're never going to go six without a win, or drop into the bottom half of the table for a couple of months. I admit however, I never feel we are reaching our absolute full potential. It's a trade off - risk/reward/security.

Mancini's nil-nil's, the clean sheets, are something we can always fall back on, even if he left, they'd still believe that they could do it against anyone. And if they can keep a clean sheet against anyone, with the forwards we have, beating most teams should come naturally.

It's an extremely reliable method, very 'professional', if sometimes rather underwhelming. Having a reputation, the culture of being a 'professional' outfit, is a good basis for the next guy to build on, if it turns out that Mancini can't get us to reach the absolute heights.

Spot on, as usual.

There's far too much short-termism with a lot of fans and owners. It seems to me that our owners aren't that way and we need to learn that as fans too.

You're right that each team has it's own personal "mentality"... Utd have their reputation of scoring decisively at the end of games (waning a little this year), Arsenal currently have their passing game, which was built on their original and more successful reputation of winning 1-0, whereas Chelsea have a mentality of not getting beaten and overpowering teams, especially non-top 4 teams, early in a game, which was instilled by Mourinho. Remember how much he was vilified for negativity during his 1st seasons? Doing ok now though aren't they? Plus also remember that they had a stronger base mentality of reasonable success to build on which again we don't.

I'm happier that we are laying solid foundations like these rather than going hell-for-leather-win-at-all-costs, based on pretty much nothing other than a reputation for underachievement... Yes, it's a little less exciting in the short term, but it's not proven to be successful over the long term. It just isn't.

That's what we've got to change and it's going to take a lot more than a dozen games of this season, especially for certain posters on here.... But we're getting there.

Forza Mancini!

Also was minded to post this link for a thread I remembered from BS back in the summer. Thought it might be worth a re-visit for a couple of people.

<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=187413</a>

There is a bigger picture...

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