The ITK Discussion Thread [Merged]

Re: Terry and other stuff (please read carefully)

sdavros said:
Good stuff URG.

I believe you were well respected on here without having to do that.

Sad state of affairs that you felt you needed to

Succinctly put, and I wholeheartedly agree. The cream of bluemoon always rises; it's just been a little more difficult to spot of late.
Re: Terry and other stuff (please read carefully)

load of rubbish lets google him and out him as the faker he is, first to post personal details is my hero.......(joking) but aint that the norm on here, keep on posting urg and i will keep on reading cheers mate.
Re: Terry and other stuff (please read carefully)

Good reading that pal, sounds like you've got your head screwed on keep it up
Re: Terry and other stuff (please read carefully)

Gonna miss reading post upon post of shite for a few days, im off to cardiff in an hour for the test match tomorrow......

hope alan manages to keep the gifs up while im away....

ill still be guesting though.

Re: Terry and other stuff (please read carefully)

Zin, Lincoln are playing hard ball over the boots but say they may stretch to a second hand pair of Beckenbaur Super's, now as they are a class boot I will look to check condition first and try and up the ante on the Mega Rider to the chairman picking up your broadband costs and paying for your Rips.

URG, Im not sure if we are going to be able to push this through with Cloughie as your fan club seem to be gathering in protest around the thread ! Hopefully Infaltablesgalore may come on today and distract them at which time we'll schedule a crafty meeting with Derby, who are now saying if you can open Big Bob's safe you can have all the diet coke you want.
Re: Terry and other stuff (please read carefully)

Uwe Rosler's Grandad said:
I see there has been much merriment overnight. Seems to me like some folks are either reading too much into my postings or not reading them at all or reading what they want to read. I think I better set the record straight and make things very clear.

After seeing Spursmad321 (remember him the guy who posted good info and got hounded off the board) and Ajay (remember him the guy who posted info in good faith and got non stop harassment) post about Terry putting in a transfer request I decided to check this out for myself. So in a way, I was checking out the guys on here who proclaim to be ITK.

I spoke to a pal in the national media who spoke to Terry’s agent. I posted this “I've dithered about whether to post this or not...especially bearing in mind how some folks get treated on here. Terry's agent has spoken to the press privately to confirm that everything will become clearer today. Not ground breaking I know but Terry putting in a transfer request was not denied by his agent.”

After a few comments, I posted my view on the info “I don't want to get everyone's hopes up but why can't Terry and/ or his agent simply dismiss City's interest if he is fully intent on staying at Chelsea? The only reason I can see is...Terry will use City's interest to strengthen his position and wage packet at Chelsea or there is geniune interest in moving to City.”

Later on in the day, I heard a few unsubstantiated rumours that what Spursmad and Ajay had posted was true and that Terry had indeed put in a transfer request. I spoke to my pal again who said he would check it out. During much speculation on this thread I posted that I had an idea why Chelsea were worried but was checking the info out first. Then follows many PMs to me and much baiting. I explained how I work…in short, when I hear rumours I check them out before posting, if they stack up I post, if they don’t I don’t.

In the meantime, ZZ alludes to the fact that Terry has put in a transfer request. I hear back from my pal who says Chelsea are denying that a request was put in. He also says that Terry’s agent will not confirm or deny that a request was put in. He also said (I did not put this in my next posting) that there was more to this than meets the eye and expected Terry’s agent to spill the beans soon.

I posted this “Right I am ready to divulge.

ZZ has already alluded to this earlier but I wanted to be sure.

I am not 100% certain on this but it looks like Terry has put in a transfer request and Chelsea have asked him to think about it. Chelsea are denying that this has happened (to the media) and Terry's agent is refusing to confirm or deny.”

Since then, at least one paper has confirmed that Chelsea are denying that a transfer request was put in. I haven’t read all the overnight articles but there might be more. At no time did I say that this was certain. At no time did I say that there would be an announcement etc etc.

In the past when I was certain things were happening (Ranson pulling out of talks, Frank not putting money in, Frank buying players by instalments, Mackintosh leaving, Bellamy, De Jong, Barry, back in for RSC) I have posted. I don’t often post stuff that I am uncertain about and there is a reason why. I relied upon some info from a BBC news reporter who said that Frank was pulling out of talks. I posted that rumour, it didn’t happen and I got slated. Funnily enough, I got slated about Frank’s finance and players on instalments however, my information was good and I stood firm.

I am not ITK but I do hear things from time to time some of which I check out. Yesterday I checked out some info and posted what I found.

I will not threaten to leave or stop posting etc etc…I will continue…all I ask is that you read my posts closely. I usually answer all PMs (that is not an open invite) and reply to most (although I have deleted some recently).

I do not post anywhere else (despite folks PMing me asking me to change boards). I love Bluemoon as this is the place to be for all kinds of opinions etc.

All the best


fair play mate - it's much appreciated!

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