The Jocks are coming

cyberblue said:
I hope i havent offended any one yet with the title but am sure i will probally have . I welcome the Celtic fans next week but i am just wondering what sort of things will be posted on here Next Sunday .by City fans who never wanted Celtic here in the First place Shock Horror .Celtic Fan Drunk in Street . Guess what was Under His Kilt ?.Celtic Fan Pissed up a Wall ! Celtic Fan Sang Ira Songs .What i guess what we wont see on here is 10,000 Celtic fans were brilliant & only a few dozen were Dickheads . A lot of people post on here not what really happens but what fits there Agenda

So whats your agenda cyberblue? As per usual, i feel like i agree with Bizzbo! A thought out, decent post. I also welcome the Celtic fans with open arms, a great club, with hopefully an inpeccable away support. But it seems to me, that you've already made your mind that the Celtic fans are gonna be absolutely brilliant, because the Rangers fans "destroyed" our city.

Yes...your post suggest to me an agenda! I'll take the Celtic fans how i see them. They could be absolutely brilliant, or they could be as bad as the Rangers fans were for the UEFA cup final (well the minority anyway).

All i hope for is a good natured tussle between two great football clubs, Manchester City FC and Celtic FC.
I'm a City fan. I follow no other team. I am of Irish heritage. I have no time, interest, bias or liking for either of the Glasgow teams.

Both are a throwback to darker times in history and neither can let the past go. We have our issues around the rags and the 'M' word, so maybe a tad hypocritical of me to say so.

The Glasgow teams are so mired in sectarianism and bigotry that, if I had my way, they'd be disbanded - along with the two Edinburgh clubs.

People may wish to celebrate their 'culture' (and I use the word advisedly of course, as any culture that celebrates being 'up to our necks in Feinian blood' or any acts of murder/violence/terrorism for that matter clearly is a culture worth celebrating), however, I feel that nonesense has no place in sport.
Surely, although I wasn't that happy with this as our home preseason game, we atleast have to wait for Celtic to come down here and behave like dicks, before slagging them off for behaving like dicks!
Well said, Cyberblue.
You should be advised though, that some people don't like their little soap boxes whipped away before they've had their chance to hop up on them and spout their 'learned wisdom' to the rest of us. Indeed, you might have already noticed...
The Celtic fans have won awards for their past behaviour. There's no reason to expect that, by and large, they'll be any different in Manchester. Oh yeah, and a handful of them will be knob heads. Such is life.
Celtic fans took 100.000 to seville .... one arrest

rangers fans 100.000 to manchester ............*"#####"*
cyberblue said:
The point i am trying to make is this if 10,000 celtic fans come down & have a great time & a couple of dozen sing IRA songs round a post Box what are you going to read about in the Papers ?
i served in ulster 3 times lost a few great mates, if i heard anyone singing that crap, i would personaly break there necks.. and yes i will be there..
Manford said:
cyberblue said:
I hope i havent offended any one yet with the title but am sure i will probally have . I welcome the Celtic fans next week but i am just wondering what sort of things will be posted on here Next Sunday .by City fans who never wanted Celtic here in the First place Shock Horror .Celtic Fan Drunk in Street . Guess what was Under His Kilt ?.Celtic Fan Pissed up a Wall ! Celtic Fan Sang Ira Songs .What i guess what we wont see on here is 10,000 Celtic fans were brilliant & only a few dozen were Dickheads . A lot of people post on here not what really happens but what fits there Agenda

So whats your agenda cyberblue? As per usual, i feel like i agree with Bizzbo! A thought out, decent post. I also welcome the Celtic fans with open arms, a great club, with hopefully an inpeccable away support. But it seems to me, that you've already made your mind that the Celtic fans are gonna be absolutely brilliant, because the Rangers fans "destroyed" our city.

Yes...your post suggest to me an agenda! I'll take the Celtic fans how i see them. They could be absolutely brilliant, or they could be as bad as the Rangers fans were for the UEFA cup final (well the minority anyway).

All i hope for is a good natured tussle between two great football clubs, Manchester City FC and Celtic FC.
I have absolutly no agenda whatsoever .the point i was trying to make as in other posts is that people come on here with the negatives that they see /hear & no doubt it wil be the case next week .We will have the same stuff posted on hear about what some fans will get up to never mind how the majority are . That is life i suppose .Let us hope for a good fun day & a decent match
Eddie said:
I'm a City fan. I follow no other team. I am of Irish heritage. I have no time, interest, bias or liking for either of the Glasgow teams.

Both are a throwback to darker times in history and neither can let the past go. We have our issues around the rags and the 'M' word, so maybe a tad hypocritical of me to say so.

The Glasgow teams are so mired in sectarianism and bigotry that, if I had my way, they'd be disbanded - along with the two Edinburgh clubs.

People may wish to celebrate their 'culture' (and I use the word advisedly of course, as any culture that celebrates being 'up to our necks in Feinian blood' or any acts of murder/violence/terrorism for that matter clearly is a culture worth celebrating), however, I feel that nonesense has no place in sport.

Listen mate you preconceptions of Celtic at least are way off the mark. The club has done plenty of work to stop sectarianism. Just because there may be a few idiots who sing IRA songs does not make the entire support bigots. Would you say that all City fans should be tarnished because there are a few who sing Munich songs?

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