The Labour Government

Don't fool yourself. The idiots at each extreme are still hurling wanky memes at each other on twitter.

Last night on here was horrific, posters calling for female MP's to be punched in the throat, and getting likes for it too.

The odd wishing death on other females and you have a rather chilled out election night.
Definitely some strange undertones to this one, particularly with the rise of Reform. If you're the next leader of the Tories, you'd presumably want to bring back the Reform voters. And Farage will know that.

Someone like Braverman will probably want to get the two parties as close as possible, even up to a merger. But they could also try to steal Reform's thunder by moving even further to the right but ignoring Reform. That may mean some more traditional, one-nation Tories could desert them.

On the other hand, Labour could also do something sensible about immigration, possibly by setting up processing centres in France. That would mean anyone trying to avoid using one, and using small boats, could automatically be classed as an illegal, and dealt with accordingly. That could significantly dilute the immigration issue and that's seemingly all that Reform have to offer.
I think the important thing is for Starmer to make everyone feel a bit better off and the country seem better off quite quickly. If he does this reform and the more right wing elements in the conservative party will just run out of fuel for their fire. No easy task as Starmer is starting with a broken economy.
Last night on here was horrific, posters calling for female MP's to be punched in the throat, and getting likes for it too.

The odd wishing death on other females and you have a rather chilled out election night.
Libertarians no doubt imposing liberalism on us all ;-)
And rightly so as this is one of the / the most interesting set of results in any GE we’ve had. So many intriguing outcomes.
It is intriguing because I could never understand why Labour wouldn’t call out for Gaza when we have so many Muslims in our country, they have lost seats IMO because of Gaza

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