The Labour Government

The Speaker who was happy to let Ministers of the last Govt lie and lie now takes action on the important issue of the day - wanker

What he is saying seems at odds with the rules?

21.38Members should dress in business-like attire; this need not include a tie.1 A Member has been allowed to continue speaking on condition that clothing with inappropriate visual content is covered.2 Members are not permitted to wear decorations in the House.3 The wearing of military insignia or uniform inside the Chamber is not in accordance with the long-established custom of the House.

I can't believe these wankers haven't turned around a completely broken country after many years of incompetence and corruption inside a week. Get rid, and get Farage or Rishi in.

Think you'll find froggy is tied up in the US, got more important things to do than piss about in Clacton don't ya know.
What he is saying seems at odds with the rules?

21.38Members should dress in business-like attire; this need not include a tie.1 A Member has been allowed to continue speaking on condition that clothing with inappropriate visual content is covered.2 Members are not permitted to wear decorations in the House.3 The wearing of military insignia or uniform inside the Chamber is not in accordance with the long-established custom of the House.

They're customs not rules. It's within his discretion to choose who he takes questions from.

If he wants to be so pedantic, he should practice what he preaches and wear his wig and full costume.
They're customs not rules. It's within his discretion to choose who he takes questions from.

If he wants to be so pedantic, he should practice what he preaches and wear his wig and full costume.

Either way I believe he's being a little overbearing I wonder if he just thought of something to say? it seems so random.

The Labour lot will have to buy an iron and soap at this rate.
Either way I believe he's being a little overbearing I wonder if he just thought of something to say? it seems so random.
It's the start of term and the deputy head of year needs to show his authority.

The Labour lot will have to buy an iron and soap at this rate.

Too transparent. You won't catch any with that.
It’s a disgrace / my kids have been to private schools and I am mates with one of the bursars. She says 20 percent are behind on fees and most are just relatively successful hard working people with good jobs such as doctors or lawyers.

They pay significant tax already and 15k a year net is a huge burden. It’s a bloody disgrace and enough reason to not vote for these wankers alone.

Hard working people penalised.

It has made my blood boil today.

Politics of envy.

If your blood is boiling then you deffo need to get Canada sorted out. I'm being serious, for your health and well being. I despised the governments I presume you supported, with an absolute passion for 14 years, but I don't think it ever caused me the anguish a fortnight of this one has already caused you by the sounds of.

I grew up in a council house in Wythenshawe. I worked in the private sector including for the public sector, in the 2000s I started my own business with a mate which I still run to this day. It's hard work and has it's ups and downs but I'm proud of some of the things I've done and very conscious and grateful that I grew up in a time when social mobility was valued. It sounds like we have similar backgrounds though clearly at least some of our political views are very different. So I'm not taking the piss, you sound like a man who has the luxury of choice so why not use it and make yourself happier?
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