The Labour Government

You’d expect him to turn into a Yorkshireman?
His next election campaign will be him Reeves, Streeting and Lammy performing their version of the Four Yorkshiremen sketch.

"Times were hard under Tories. I used to have to wait 45 days for a GP appointment"

"Luxury!!! I accidentally got my head stuck up a lobbyists arse and waited 3 years in A&E for them to remove me."

"You don't know you were born! When I became chancellor this country only had 25p to it's name!"
Many private schools give their students the ''International GCSE'' which is recognised around the world. It is acknowledged that the IGSE is easier in certain subjects (English for example) and equivalent to the GCSE in others,

That’s absolutely not the case. They are equivalent qualifications and neither is harder or easier than the other.
Was there anything about the nhs and social care yesterday ?
Nothing much outside of mental health reforms and fair pay for those involved in social care, to quote "Once the new pay agreement is in place, wages in care will rise across England, easing the sector’s staffing nightmare and relieving pressure on the NHS."
Nothing much outside of mental health reforms and fair pay for those involved in social care, to quote "Once the new pay agreement is in place, wages in care will rise across England, easing the sector’s staffing nightmare and relieving pressure on the NHS."
Thank you , sounds like they are going straight to the cause of a lot of problems
Bed blocking is a major issue, providing better quality social care to allow people to go home would definitely help.
Bed blocking has been a problem since i was a nurse in the 70's and 80's , it is a really difficult problem to solve but i think if it can be made less of a problem it would help and i and i am hopeful that labour will give it a good go
If your blood is boiling then you deffo need to get Canada sorted out. I'm being serious, for your health and well being. I despised the governments I presume you supported, with an absolute passion for 14 years, but I don't think it ever caused me the anguish a fortnight of this one has already caused you by the sounds of.

I grew up in a council house in Wythenshawe. I worked in the private sector including for the public sector, in the 2000s I started my own business with a mate which I still run to this day. It's hard work and has it's ups and downs but I'm proud of some of the things I've done and very conscious and grateful that I grew up in a time when social mobility was valued. It sounds like we have similar backgrounds though clearly at least some of our political views are very different. So I'm not taking the piss, you sound like a man who has the luxury of choice so why not use it and make yourself happier?

I am happy as fuck mate. Just annoyed we have messed up an opportunity of recovery. Let’s hope I am wrong but I will be amazed.
Most private schools won’t be passing on the VAT to the parents. Those that do will be ones knowing full well the vast majority can afford it still. There will also be some that close as they have done already over the past decade due to either the local state schools being improved that it’s not worth it or they priced people out already.

There’s far worse examples of unfairness of tax than putting VAT on private schools.
Nonsense. Virtually all of the schools are passing on the increase to the parents.
I am happy as fuck mate. Just annoyed we have messed up an opportunity of recovery. Let’s hope I am wrong but I will be amazed.
You’ve been wrong about the previous government for the best part of a decade so it’s unlikely being wrong again will leave you amazed.
Let’s wait and see. You may have good reason for your OTT reactions to the election result but as of now you’re just looking at every aspect in the worst possible light because you’re bitter the Tories we’re finally caught out and the country came to its senses.
Even you have to admit that the direction they were heading wasn’t positive and caused more division than any other government in years.
If Labour fuck up then your lot will get in again and the cycle will continue.

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