The Labour Government

Such is life, there’s things such as insurance for those getting ill or dying, there is no need to have more than 2 kids, these are choices, think of a worst case scenario. I did loads of jobs where people didn’t have building and contents insurance, house burnt down they were fucked, but guess what it was about £10 a month to cover them and you could plainly see they could’ve afforded it but chose not to because “it would never happen to them”. Maybe the government should pay everyone’s house insurance just in case eh!
These are conscious decisions by people, you can have a mistake, once maybe twice but it’s a conscious decision to keep going 3,4, 5 kids stop expecting the state to provide, if the argument is what if the above scenarios happen then maybe there should be a system were you can apply if those scenarios come about but not before.

So you're not including Catholics in ''the population'' then? Because they cant use contraception .... and whilst they may have been able to afford 4/5/6 kids ..... times change.
Home secretary ripping the arse out of the tories immigration system , she is having to change everything to unblock the processing system, she is really mad !
Imagine if that money was spent on overseas aid rather than being funnelled to corrupt Rwandan politicians to spend in Harrods or a new Bentley.
It is shocking to me that the tories hung their hats on a scheme that was never going to work and cost so much money , they were so busy dog whistling, thinking that would work , stop the boats was never going to work but i guess it was catchy
You talked about people dying, that’s relatively cheap insurance, if you lose your job you get benefits, like I said if your intelligent enough you look ahead and see can I afford this of it goes tits up, I always said can we live off one wage and cut our cloth accordingly, it’s called taking responsibility, people don’t want a nanny state, yet they want looking after.

I talked about dying, getting ill, a relative getting ill, a relationship breakup, losing a job. You can't insure for everything. It's true that if you lose your job, you get benefits, but the point of the 2 child cap is that you get less than the minimum.

I appreciate where you're coming from, but it also sounds like you have a relatively settled life, and a two income family, and are lucky enough that you can survive on one of those incomes. Plenty of people will be in that position and a challenge hits them that means that both incomes are lost or reduced (e.g. one gets ill and the other needs to spend more time caring for the kids/partner). Even then, that's not the case with a lot of people, and many will have had childhoods and early adulthoods that don't provide the basis for a settled adult life.

There are certainly people who feel like they're entitled to everything the state offers, without any responsibility in return, but they're actually few and far between. I worked providing benefit advice for years, and met plenty of people in all sorts of circumstances, and I suspect that if you were in charge of making decisions on a case by case basis, you'd be happy to make an exception for just about everyone you spoke to.
Such is life, there’s things such as insurance for those getting ill or dying, there is no need to have more than 2 kids, these are choices, think of a worst case scenario. I did loads of jobs where people didn’t have building and contents insurance, house burnt down they were fucked, but guess what it was about £10 a month to cover them and you could plainly see they could’ve afforded it but chose not to because “it would never happen to them”. Maybe the government should pay everyone’s house insurance just in case eh!
These are conscious decisions by people, you can have a mistake, once maybe twice but it’s a conscious decision to keep going 3,4, 5 kids stop expecting the state to provide, if the argument is what if the above scenarios happen then maybe there should be a system were you can apply if those scenarios come about but not before.
Bang. On. The. Money.

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