The Labour Government

My Mother in law and her late husband worked their arses off and right now she’s paying out over £2k a month for a flat and care in a sheltered complex when more than half of the other residents get it for fuck all because they sat on their arses doing the bare minimum and now the state are paying their bills…

It’s fucking scandalous.. she never claimed a thing now she has all the financial worries

Is the money coming their house? Yes that's right.

It's also wrong when people spaff their equity away to avoid paying their own care costs.

I don't agree with people ripping off councils and trying to pass on inheritance just out of entitlement. That behaviour takes money away from other claimants or services that need it.

How do you know the financial affairs and work history of all the residents?
Is the money coming their house? Yes that's right.

It's also wrong when people spaff their equity away to avoid paying their own care costs.

I don't agree with people ripping off councils and trying to pass on inheritance just out of entitlement. That behaviour takes money away from other claimants or services that need it.

How do you know the financial affairs and work history of all the residents?
How about reversing the NI cut ?

Someone on here was stating earlier that he takes home an extra £250 per month !
I’d go with that, should bring in quite a bit that the taxman has lost. Just got a decent pay rise as well, so even more money going back to the Treasury with the rest probably being spent on the kids and grandkids.
I’d go with that, should bring in quite a bit that the taxman has lost. Just got a decent pay rise as well, so even more money going back to the Treasury with the rest probably being spent on the kids and grandkids.
£10.3Bn per year back in the coffers from that, if they need £20Bn thats more than half way and I would suggest is palatable to most people. Scrapping the VAT exemption on private schools £1.7Bn per year and as I suggested earlier removing the VAT exemption for financial services which benefits the wealthy would raise a further £8.7Bn per year.

Piss easy this, thats £20.7Bn. No cuts or anything else needed. Restructure the payment of interest to commercial banks and that's another £11Bn per year.

So what are they all pissing about at.
There'll be plenty of my generation without private pensions, when I entered the workforce in the sixties pensions just weren't a thing anybody spoke about and when we had kids and a mortgage there was no spare cash so unless you worked for the local authority or similar the chances are you wouldn't have a private pension
There are a ton of people at my work sat waiting to retire in their late 50's/early 60s, they'll all leave on final salary pensions with houses already paid for, their houses will be worth 100x what they originally paid. They're probably debt free and don't have student loans to repay because they were free.

It's absolutely impossible that anybody working today will get those kind of benefits and that standard of living. People are talking up private pensions because the fact is workplace pensions alongside the state pension aren't going to be enough. And that's if they can even afford to put money into a private pension in the first place.

I keyed in mine recently and I only need to put in a measly extra £500pm to get a decent standard of living in retirement, and that's retiring at retirement age, not 60! My mortgage won't be paid off until I'm 65. My house will be my pension and unlike the oldies I'll probably have to sell it to get the income.

I can understand why some have little sympathy for the older folk. Young people are absolutely screwed, plain and simple.

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