The Labour Government

Incredible just how obvious it is that austerity by one party is evil and if another party employs it then it's needed.
If you refuse to raise taxes, then it's necessary whoever's in charge. Unfortunately, we still live in a society where to get elected parties have to promise to invest in public services while also promising that you'll have to pay 10p a year tax.
Ask the Tories - they’re the austerity experts :)

Put it this way she’s is acting like a chancellor who is going to succumb to the norms of fiscal behaviour by reducing costs and raising taxes. If she doesn’t loosen her fiscal rules and borrow more we aren’t going to grow at all, quite the opposite and she will be an austerity chancellor.

Let’s see what she says come October.
No but being to proud to claim pension credit and stopping yourself from getting WHD is just daft. What they really mean to say is they cba and prefer when it is done for them.
the winter fuel payment pulled us out of the shit when the prices went crazy, we tried to apply today but are just above the limit, i'm not too proud to try and claim but get fuck all, i voted to get rid of the "nasty party" and what did i get, a kick in the bollocks by the even nastier party, i never saw this coming the slimy bastards
Are there really that many pensioners without a private pension?

Why should poor financially planning be rewarded with top-ups in later life.

Live your life and try to enjoy what's rest of it as much as you can. Don't cling on trying to get all the welfare payments going just because you feel an abnormally high entitlement to it.
the winter fuel payment pulled us out of the shit when the prices went crazy, we tried to apply today but are just above the limit, i'm not too proud to try and claim but get fuck all, i voted to get rid of the "nasty party" and what did i get, a kick in the bollocks by the even nastier party, i never saw this coming the slimy bastards

Who is your current supplier? Can swap to edf or octopus and get £50 credit, also 2 bank swaps worth £175 each at the moment one ends tonight takes 5 minutes to fill out. If you and your Mrs do that it should cover the loss of the wfp.

There will always be people on the threshold unfortunately, just have to hope in October they revise it and go off council tax band instead, which would surely be easier to implement.
Are there really that many pensioners without a private pension?

Why should poor financially planning be rewarded with top-ups in later life.

Live your life and try to enjoy what's rest of it as much as you can. Don't cling on trying to get all the welfare payments going just because you feel an abnormally high entitlement to it.

What the actual fuck?

Why single out pensioners for this type of nonsense?

Fuck in work benefits. You should have had the foresight to get a better job

Fuck giving people unemployment benefits if they get sacked. Should have done better at work

Fuck child benefit should have saved up before having kids.

Absolutely shit post that.
what a load of BS. Who do you think have paid nothing into the system will get it?
Because it's Fucking true, my Mum and Dad worked all their working lives to bring six of us up never claimed a penny, they just worked hard and put that mentally in to us, and we have all done alright for ourselves, unlike some of of the bone idle bastards that lived near us that knew how to work the system and didn't do a days work in their lives, when my Dad passed away my mum was just a few quid above being able to claim anything, but the lazy bastards that did Fuck all get their Rent and council tax paid and will still get the £300 fuel allowance, which will see them ok for Fags and Frosty Jack over the Winter
Are there really that many pensioners without a private pension?

Why should poor financially planning be rewarded with top-ups in later life.

Live your life and try to enjoy what's rest of it as much as you can. Don't cling on trying to get all the welfare payments going just because you feel an abnormally high entitlement to it.
That’s fucking low…

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