The Labour Government

You're looking at a government that believes in the household budget theory of macroeconomics.

This is economic illiteracy. But before anyone gets excited, the whole Tory Party, most of the Labour Party and the Lib-Dems all believe in this model, or purport to believe in it. Most ordinary citizens believe in it too, as it appears to make sense. We all know that you can only spend and borrow so much on a given income without getting into trouble.

The reality is that the state and a private household are clean different things. But this model is so baked into to people's heads that it is very difficult to shift.

So what you have is a broadly left government tying its own hands to conform to a nonsense. This means they are severely restricted as to what they can do as they 'have to balance the books'. They are also terrified of spooking the financial markets. (A legacy of Truss.)

So expect very slow progress and some decisions you will hate. It's inevitable. The only good thing is that unlike the Tories they will not make a god of tax cuts, to the point of offering unaffordable ones.

Your sentiments are summed up nicely by this blog post from LSE.

I personally find it disappointing but not surprising. Labour were using these very bad analogies long before they got into power and I called them out for it before they got into power. I have criticised the Tories repeatedly for their use of household budget metaphors and credit cards and I’ll critique Labour for it equally.

Like you I only hope that even though the country is being forced to engage in this nonsense framework, that Labour might at least make better decisions from within that framework. They’d struggle to make worse.

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