The Labour Government

Manchester City FC can ban anyone they like from their premises. They don't have to have a reason as long as they're not banning people for race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, etc., which is illegal.

Of course, there are no consequences for flouting such a ban, other than maybe being chucked out if discovered. Although I suppose in theory they could sue for trespass, but usually this costs more than it is worth.

A court order, of course, is another level again. Then you are literally committing a crime if you flout it.
You’ve highlighted that not everyone out being a **** was there for far right wing reasons.
There is a legitimate debate to have over immigration but that should be done calmly and sensibly. Protest on this should be allowed providing it remains peaceful but when the violence begins that right has to be removed regardless of reason to be there.

There will be a few out there protesting peacefully but let's not pretend that Nigel Farage and the Tommy Robinsons of this world aren't absolutely loving what happened yesterday. Certainly Farage isn't quite on the far right like Robinson is but he is attracting everybody to the issue. I mean they are the ones who instigated these riots through their rhetoric and they haven't exactly apologised so...

My fear is that immigration is about to become the next Brexit issue which we'll obsess over for years and it'll come to yet again deeply divide the country. This is funny though because Brexit was supposed to be the answer to that question and look how it has turned out, net migration has trebled since Brexit.
There is a legitimate debate to have over immigration but that should be done calmly and sensibly. Protest on this should be allowed providing it remains peaceful but when the violence begins that right has to be removed regardless of reason to be there.

There will be a few out there protesting peacefully but let's not pretend that Nigel Farage and the Tommy Robinsons of this world aren't absolutely loving what happened yesterday. Certainly Farage isn't quite on the far right like Robinson is but he is attracting everybody to the issue. I mean they are the ones who instigated these riots through their rhetoric and they haven't exactly apologised so...

My fear is that immigration is about to become the next Brexit issue which we'll obsess over for years and it'll come to yet again deeply divide the country. This is funny though because Brexit was supposed to be the answer to that question and look how it has turned out, net migration has trebled since Brexit.

I think I saw a comment from Farage that could be taken either way. He may or may not agree with what is happening but he’s not going to alienate what are his core voters.

He’s called for parliament to be recalled undoubtedly so he can stir the immigration pot some.
I think I saw a comment from Farage that could be taken either way. He may or may not agree with what is happening but he’s not going to alienate what are his core voters.

He’s called for parliament to be recalled undoubtedly so he can stir the immigration pot some.
He has to take some responsibility though because there's a real threat that somebody could go too far. You only have to look at Jo Cox or the other killings that have happened over the years.

It obviously doesn't mean that people can't protest but we can't pretend that anybody attending these protests/riots was doing so in solidarity with the families of the children killed in Southport.

It has already been proven that the person who did that wasn't a Muslim and wasn't an immigrant so their reason to get out there was pointless but they went out and rioted anyway.
There will be a few out there protesting peacefully but let's not pretend that Nigel Farage and the Tommy Robinsons of this world aren't absolutely loving what happened yesterday. Certainly Farage isn't quite on the far right like Robinson is but he is attracting everybody to the issue. I mean they are the ones who instigated these riots through their rhetoric and they haven't exactly apologised so...

My fear is that immigration is about to become the next Brexit issue which we'll obsess over for years and it'll come to yet again deeply divide the country. This is funny though because Brexit was supposed to be the answer to that question and look how it has turned out, net migration has trebled since Brexit.
Farage is in exactly the same place as Robinson politically. He just wears a suit and tries to sound like he’s “just asking questions”. But don’t kid yourself that their ideologies are in any way different. Farage is just more insidious.
He must stand above all of these grievance, take no side, but instead he has thrown himself in as being against the rioters, effectively saying your concerns have no justification.

Good! Way too late, but about time it started.

There is only one wrong side here. It Has no justification. It needs singled out.

Everyone should be against it, or be helped in coming to that realisation.
Heard the account of a Muslim boy is not going to football practice tonight because his Dad doesn't feel he can be safe going out.

The governments of the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia and Nigeria have issued travel warnings for people travelling to Britain.

Overseas students are already phoning up Universities and cancelling their applications to study here.

This is the Britain of Farage, Anderson, Tyne, Yaxley-Lennon, and media outlets like The Daily Mail. They are responsible for this as they incited it. The sooner that these people are behind bars, the better.
Farage is in exactly the same place as Robinson politically. He just wears a suit and tries to sound like he’s “just asking questions”. But don’t kid yourself that their ideologies are in any way different. Farage is just more insidious.
‘Top dog fascist gets the boys in the corner
Plants poison where there was just confusion
Walks away Scot-free and laughing
Rides on the tide as the cancer grows’

New Model Army had some of these wankers nailed 40 years ago.
Farage is in exactly the same place as Robinson politically. He just wears a suit and tries to sound like he’s “just asking questions”. But don’t kid yourself that their ideologies are in any way different. Farage is just more insidious.
The farage system…….
First describe how Muslims won’t integrate and don’t share ‘british values’
Second instigate anti Muslim violence with half truths, insinuations and lies.(see above)
Third, watch it kick off and tell us all how right he was.(see above)
Classic example of the self-fulfilling prophecy.
Told us it would happen then made damn sure it did.
Heard the account of a Muslim boy is not going to football practice tonight because his Dad doesn't feel he can be safe going out.

The governments of the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia and Nigeria have issued travel warnings for people travelling to Britain.

Overseas students are already phoning up Universities and cancelling their applications to study here.

This is the Britain of Farage, Anderson, Tyne, Yaxley-Lennon, and media outlets like The Daily Mail. They are responsible for this as they incited it. The sooner that these people are behind bars, the better.

This needs to be nipped in the bud as soon as possible. It's time for the authorities to infiltrate and break up all elements of the far right.

We need to implement our own version of cointel pro against the far right.

The pandering to these thugs and their "legitimate concerns" and othering groups of people like Bangladeshis needs to stop.

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