The Labour Government

That’s not what happened though. It ended up being gangs of men, armed to the teeth with weapons attacking people and targeting people in their cars. That’s not defending the community. That’s a bunch of racist thugs, just the same as the people rioting in Southport

It sounds like you’re trying to defend it.

I've already said it was wrong. They were all young lads wound up for a fight, (and it's obvious from their voices that they are locals) and when it didn't come to them, they went looking for one.
Could Farage actually be arrested if he goes to far in what he says, it can happen to the man on the street but he seems immune?
Farage and others have clearly had legal advice on their messaging around this. You can get done for telling people to go out and riot but you can't get done for saying that this issue is so bad that you wouldn't be surprised if people did go out and riot.......
Well you've lost that wager. I've got involved in breaking up fights involving people bigger and stronger than me and I'm not exactly a short person. And it wasn't my responsibility and in some cases I went out of my way to do it.

Once intervened to stop a group of Asians give a smack head throwing road works furniture about, a pasting in Ealing because it wasn't happening on my watch (despite him probably deserving it and they were very likely just protecting their businesses).

I wouldn't necessarily call it courage, more stupidity and ego.
The family of Cameron Brooksbank would be so proud of what he did but he paid the ultimate price, the scum that attacked him got lenient sentences, only one of the group of criminals remain in prison and he'll be out in around 4 years.

No point in intervening (unless it's your job) and it's not good for you to be giving it Billy Big Balls, walk away is the advice in this day and age, there's too many nasty bastards that don't care about the general public.
You’re being rather fatuous - I am inferring that from the words you write. Questioning it he was innocent, that he goaded them, provoked them, should have locked himself inside and not dared venture outside. All implying it’s his fault.

If you can’t criticise both sides for any violence committed - actually in your specific case defend the actions of one - then I can’t take you seriously, you’re just a WUM at that point. Two tier I think is the on trend expression.

It wasn't necessary for him to go outside and defend the property because at that point they were walking past it. It's very basic logic, if you goad a mob they are likely to target and attack you.

You may be innocent of any wider wrong doing, but you do have to accept some fault, even if most of the blame lies with the people who attacked you.

And you achieve the opposite of what it seems he intended. They were more likely to target his property or place of work not less.

I have criticised both sides. You have just decided to not read the posts where I did.

If the bloke who got beaten the shit out of him by the Kurds in Middlesbrough had nothing to with riots or property damage then that would be wrong. You can't just pick some random bloke to mete out revenge on.

But if he was trying to smash up their businesses or set fire to them, then I don't have any sympathy for him.
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Thoughtful intervention from Jess Phillips this morning, as you would expect.

Sure it will put the two-tier narrative to bed once and for all.
I've already said it was wrong. They were all young lads wound up for a fight, (and it's obvious from their voices that they are locals) and when it didn't come to them, they went looking for one.
They could have easily come from another part of Birmingham. They were all bell ends who were intent on violence.
You don’t seem to be putting any blame at all on the 20/30 people that battered a lone person. I remember at the semi final in 2010 a lone city fan, who was a bit aggressive got badly beaten up by a large group of United fans. It was completely uncalled for and things like that are never justified.

If you’re going to call it out, do it for all sides. Whether that’s racist thugs in Southport or thugs in Birmingham
He'll only do that through gritted teeth
They could have easily come from another part of Birmingham. They were all bell ends who were intent on violence.

And they could have gone there with the intent on defending businesses of their relatives who are local to the area.

Would you stay in your own neighborhood if a group of violent racists were heavily rumoured to be on their way and close by?

The majority of the crowd didn't get involved in the ASB, property damage or violence.

The hoax is likely to have originated from far right troublemakers.

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