The Labour Government

You don’t pander to them absolutely not, but do you inflame them further by playing to their, albeit irrational, concerns?

They will have a mistrust in the mainstream press, a feeling that they are treated differently, all their problems are down to foreigners, etc etc.

So you use language that doesn’t single them out for specific treatment. You don’t have your Home Secretary interviewed by her husband. Small things like that feed in to their narrative. The priority has to be to get all sides off the streets and order restored then you can give as many early morning door knocks as possible.

Musk might be a **** of a human but he was bang on in what he said to Starmer about “all” communities. The problem is the people who stoke these protesters up are now going to use that as a signal that the government doesn’t get you.

Now Starmer’s team will have played his potential responses out and gone for what would have been seen as popular, and the number of people who have said he’s bang on on here would suggest I am in the minority of thinking this was the wrong language to use - not all of it btw, some such as saying you’ll face the full force of the law I thought was correct. However being popular and being right are not always the same thing.

Was Starmer the cause of these riots? Absolutely not. Has he, publicly, done anything helpful since? No, IMHO he has gone straight in and picked a side - he’s not really left himself much room to manoeuvre. Will order be restored? Yes, hopefully soon. Hopefully today.

Musk isn’t ‘bang on’. The initial issue is with organised white racists attacking other groups which then spread into public disorder. Retaliation is to be condemned but it is in response to those who started this. Without that trigger there is no retaliation. Saying ‘all communities’ is like putting German Jews in the frame for disorder while Kristallnacht rages all around them.

Musk is trying to fan the flames of civil disorder in the UK and nodding along to a foreign national weaponising his media platform to attack this country is not a good look.
Agreed. Polling shows that a majority of Reform voters are no more sympathetic to riots and disorder than other groups of voters. Isolating Farage on public disorder issues makes sense.

I suppose they can want to cut immigration without wanting to set fire to them in hotel room.

If even half of @threespires post is correct then you can see why the government are not interested in recalling parliament and give the agent provocateur any airtime. It does all fit together. Have to say if this is the case then I will tip my hat to Starmer in his handling, points to a very clever operator.
Musk isn’t ‘bang on’. The initial issue is with organised white racists attacking other groups which then spread into public disorder. Retaliation is to be condemned but it is in response to those who started this. Without that trigger there is no retaliation. Saying ‘all communities’ is like putting German Jews in the frame for disorder while Kristallnacht rages all around them.

Musk is trying to fan the flames of civil disorder in the UK and nodding along to a foreign national weaponising his media platform to attack this country is not a good look.

Two wrongs don’t make a right - otherwise the cycle continues.

Musk will have his own agenda. He’s a strange ****.
Two wrongs don’t make a right - otherwise the cycle continues.

Musk will have his own agenda. He’s a strange ****.

The cycle is a section of the majority white population attacking a minority population. As it did in Germany in the 1930’s. The first priority is to stop that. Once you have stopped that the retaliation will also stop. This isn’t a difficult issue once you strip out emotion and bias.

The media and social media platforms have been race baiting for years and this is the result. Musk has weaponised Twitter to provoke racial unrest and in his own words ‘civil war’ and you think he had a point? Did it occur to you to wonder why he said what he said? Was it to help the situation or pour more petrol on the flames?
Could Farage actually be arrested if he goes to far in what he says, it can happen to the man on the street but he seems immune?
14 years of mismanagement - corruption and Tory inaction then one month of a Labour Govt and this

What happens to that money? Does it go to improve our water supplies or does it just disappear? If it goes to improve the water supplies that would surely mean it went back to the water companies surely as they would have to be the ones cleaning up and improving the water supplies?

So what does happen to that money?
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I suppose they can want to cut immigration without wanting to set fire to them in hotel room.

If even half of @threespires post is correct then you can see why the government are not interested in recalling parliament and give the agent provocateur any airtime. It does all fit together. Have to say if this is the case then I will tip my hat to Starmer in his handling, points to a very clever operator.
Clever operator is probably an apt description. I usually don't get too entangled in politics but after the election I chose to do a little bit of research as to his actual background. Some of it did make very uncomfortable reading.
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The cycle is a section of the majority white population attacking a minority population. As it did in Germany in the 1930’s. The first priority is to stop that. Once you have stopped that the retaliation will also stop. This isn’t a difficult issue once you strip out emotion and bias.

The media and social media platforms have been race baiting for years and this is the result. Musk has weaponised Twitter to provoke racial unrest and in his own words ‘civil war’ and you think he had a point? Did it occur to you to wonder why he said what he said? Was it to help the situation or pour more petrol on the flames?
Musk doesn't do petrol

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