The Labour Government

The family of Cameron Brooksbank would be so proud of what he did but he paid the ultimate price, the scum that attacked him got lenient sentences, only one of the group of criminals remain in prison and he'll be out in around 4 years.

It wasn't likely to ever get that far I did assess the situation a little before getting involved but you are right.

No point in intervening (unless it's your job) and it's not good for you to be giving it Billy Big Balls, walk away is the advice in this day and age, there's too many nasty bastards that don't care about the general public.

True, last time I tried to help out a short bartender pushing a taller bloke in a busy pub I got grabbed and decked by someone at the bar who mistook me for the trouble maker.

In all the instances I didn't generally throw fists and used my smarts rather than violence.

E.g standing with my arms spread out between two big lads with big arms because I knew the force each one exerted to push against me would cancel the other one out.
He can virtually say anything he wants with impunity within the grounds of the HoC under parliamentary privilege.

I remember reading that other MEPs were initially confused when he would walk into a debate, insist on speaking, read out a prepared speech on a totally different topic, then walk right out again.

It was only when these speeches started turning up on social media, suggesting he was 'standing up for Britain' on whatever subject, that they realised what he was up to.

It'll be interesting to see just how fast he gets cut down if he tries those tricks in the HoC.
Farage and others have clearly had legal advice on their messaging around this. You can get done for telling people to go out and riot but you can't get done for saying that this issue is so bad that you wouldn't be surprised if people did go out and riot.......
Can we have m'learned friends' advice on that?

E.g. I think it can be defamatory to say "some say Farage is a murderer but I'm not sure".

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