The Labour Government

When I left the RAF it was shit pay but I’d had a pension since I was 18, my ex fucked off literally two months later left me with no job, two dogs a mortgage and nothing else, I was royally fucked, but I got a temporary contract with the council on very little, you know what I carried on paying a pension despite that, got a job in a night club 3 nights a week and grafted until i fortunately got in the fire service, again the wage was shit and compared to many others remained shit until I left, everyone thinks we were on £60/70 k a year, when I told them how much I actually got they said they’d never do it for that, again I carried on paying nearly 15% of my wage into a pension. People have nearly 45 years to sort their working life’s out, unless you get a disability there’s no excuse not to get on in something, the same old excuses are meated out same as when I saw a house burned to the ground and we found the owner had no house insurance, ironically the £10 packet of fags that caused the fire would be paid for it! If that guy is working in a pub fair play to them but that should maybe your second job not your first.

I'm not sure you could have missed the point any more if you tried. This isn't about you and your life and how you did it. Try reading the post again you literally didn't reply to one single part of it.

BTW fireman are not and never have been on shit pay. As a normal grounded poster this is a bit odd from you tbh.
I'm not sure you could have missed the point any more if you tried. This isn't about you and your life and how you did it. Try reading the post again you literally didn't reply to one single part of it.

BTW fireman are not and never have been on shit pay. As a normal grounded poster this is a bit odd from you tbh.
Firefighters have historically been on shit pay, that’s why they went on strike in 77 and again in 2002, in 2002 a fully qualified firefighter got paid £21k, we went on strike to get £30k, we did not get that, it took me 17 years to get to £30k! Someone staring in an office as a PA was getting £28k, so for the job and what it entails it was pretty shit pay. However I knew I could retire earlier and saved for it.
Your post about someone working in a pub, like I said that would be a secondary job, like I did, maybe they are doing it to make ends meet, like I said they have 45 years to sort themselves out, closer to 50 years. The job in a pub is for people staring out or a secondary job whilst getting back on their feet, don’t use it as an excuse when your 70 that the world was against me it doesn’t wash. If your not educated, try bricklaying or manual work, Christ that can lay better these days than office work, you never see a poor bricklayer.
Strange how our resident Tories have now decided they're compassionate, isn't it? After well over a decade of abandonment our public sectors are finally receiving commensurate pay, it's good to see.

Personally I'd rather pay train drivers £60,000 a year than the Train Companies £400,000,000 a year for the worst, slowest, most expensive railway in Europe.
Reeves’ remark after dishing out the 20%-plus pay rise to the junior doctors was that the cost of the move was a ‘drop in the ocean’ compared to the cost of industrial action.

Anybody even remotely interested in maintaining a negotiating position would never make a statement like that.
Unless, of course, they deserved that level of pay rise?
Because these are the Dr's I want to stay in the NHS and look after me when I get old.
Alternatively, we can employ cheap 3rd raters and lose the health service professionalism built up over decades.
You are funny
Tommy DeVito : You mean, let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little fucked up maybe, but I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I'm here to fuckin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?

Henry Hill : Just... you know, how you tell the story, what?

Tommy DeVito : No, no, I don't know, you said it. How do I know? You said I'm funny. How the fuck am I funny, what the fuck is so funny about me? Tell me, tell me what's funny!
Great to see the ‘Labour’ thread getting some well overdue use, was a ghost town when the Tories were in power.

Please, keep those conversations coming ;-)

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