The Labour Government

Firefighters have historically been on shit pay, that’s why they went on strike in 77 and again in 2002, in 2002 a fully qualified firefighter got paid £21k, we went on strike to get £30k, we did not get that, it took me 17 years to get to £30k! Someone staring in an office as a PA was getting £28k, so for the job and what it entails it was pretty shit pay. However I knew I could retire earlier and saved for it.
Your post about someone working in a pub, like I said that would be a secondary job, like I did, maybe they are doing it to make ends meet, like I said they have 45 years to sort themselves out, closer to 50 years. The job in a pub is for people staring out or a secondary job whilst getting back on their feet, don’t use it as an excuse when your 70 that the world was against me it doesn’t wash. If your not educated, try bricklaying or manual work, Christ that can lay better these days than office work, you never see a poor bricklayer.
I could name lots of jobs such as care workers as an example that got/get paid much less than you did and are also worthwhile. Millions of people are on less than you were. So they all decide to get better jobs. Who does their jobs? You have a bee in your bonnet four some reason but I find your attitude to people on low pay and skint pensioners quite appalling.

Add up your pension contributions and work out how much extra your pension got topped up if you hopefully live a long life. You're getting plenty of state help paid for by the rest us. So you ain't much different to old Beryl only warmer I guess.
If they are not getting a decent equivalent pension provision the answer is to lobby their own employers for better or move to someone who will provide better and make it known thats why you are leaving.

Pension provision was one of my must haves in a job which is why I was able to retire at 60 on a modest but reasonable pension.

Jealously attacking those fortunate enough to have a good pension provision just gets them angry and does SFA to improve their own lot.
Having others in the house contributing also helps eh? Fuck me how some people let their guard down. You and Maverick need to join the PPT, worsley and brewster cult.

Labour win and posters are turning into fucking Tories, priceless.
27% pension contribution is obscene when it’s tax payers money being used. Stop trying to defend the indefensible.
You do realise that, for many people, salaries in the Civil Service aren't that great, don't you?
You do realise that, for many people, salaries in the Civil Service aren't that great, don't you?
I saw a civil service job being talked about today on LinkedIn funnily enough.

It was managing the trade relationship with Poland, who are our 13th biggest trade partner and worth £30billion in trade.
The job was reporting in directly to government ministers.

It paid £32k
Having others in the house contributing also helps eh? Fuck me how some people let their guard down. You and Maverick need to join the PPT, worsley and brewster cult.

Labour win and posters are turning into fucking Tories, priceless.

not a Tory - will never be a Tory but I fully understood their rules and as they have been in Govt for the majority of my lifetime I could see there was an advantage of owning your home outright and getting a pension. That doesn't make me a Tory that just means I understood the rules of their game as they applied to me.
If they are not getting a decent equivalent pension provision the answer is to lobby their own employers for better or move to someone who will provide better and make it known thats why you are leaving.

Pension provision was one of my must haves in a job which is why I was able to retire at 60 on a modest but reasonable pension.

Jealously attacking those fortunate enough to have a good pension provision just gets them angry and does SFA to improve their own lot.

Similar with VAT on private schools really. Just a way of attacking those who want the best for their kids.

If you can’t afford to send your kid to private school just lobby your employer to pay you more or move somewhere that does.

I mean private schools are supposed to be a leg up in life right? Aspirational and all that. Otherwise it’s just a race to the bottom.

Hopefully you’re starting to see how hypocritical your position is.

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