The Labour Government

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Well either things will stay exactly the same or get worse - before they get better. There is no other possible outcome. In a complex, nuanced world things staying exactly the same is almost impossible.

That’s why :-)

Things don’t have to get worse, nor does it say who they are going to get worse for, or how much worse (100% worse before 50% better isn’t really great!). These are all political choices which of course she will dress up as being “no choice but to”, however half the black hole is down to labour policies (however right they were) and she has made it slightly better in some parts - eg binning off Rwanda - than it would have been if left to Hunt. I also get there are global headwinds but fiscal policy to meet these generally isn’t structural thus doesn’t spook markets.

We know sensible infrastructure projects return 100% on investment (and continue to return), put simply they create growth. We want net zero? Build the transition then. Fill the pot holes in. Build hospitals, schools, roads (things Reeves has stopped or paused). Build rail in the right places (northern cross rail). If you don’t want to build growth then cut taxes to allow consumer led growth. If Reeves is terrified to borrow and will only increase taxes then the “worse” is entirely down to her choices and the better will be marginal to how bad it gets - in other words enjoy today as this as good as it gets. I get the sense she wants to fund growth from savings from things like the welfare bill but that’s putting the cart before the horse IMHO, it’s orthodox monetary policy that has largely got us to where we are today (plus a pandemic).

Labour promised growth and not decline. They can give us either one with their policies.
The question people should be asking is "Who is it going to get worse for?", I suspect it'll be the bottom of the ladder again.

Vote Labour they said.
It'll be better they said.
Starmer isn't a lying politician **** they said.
They're all lying cunts. The only time we get something that probably resembles ten per cent of the whole truth is a week or two after the election.

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