The Labour Government

I think Kamala Harris said the Democrats in the USA were going to concentrate on the middle classes (who tend to vote). It's looking like Labour have decided the same here. Probably a good political strategy but hardly useful for the working class who appear friendless politically. I'm no fan at all of Jeremy Corbyn and the hard left but, credit where credit is due, they do not appear to support Labour's austerity any more than the Tories austerity.
Blindingly obvious to everyone except selfish pricks who were happy to see our public services and sectors neglected of investment if it meant they could shovel away more of their "hard-earned".
Even if public spending doesn’t increase they need to go up. Demographics and Covid dictate it as such.
No point engaging with you on this topic if you’re only going to respond with non-sequiturs.
My agreement with your proposition is admittedly enthymematic but what follows is an expression of surprise that Labour's effort at increasing the tax burden starts by cutting cold weather payments to old people. Do you follow that?

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