The Labour Government

The whole point was that the charities get items that could be sent to third world countries that I believe would welcome things like that. Yes I would have got them cleared from the building but at the time I would rather someone would benefit from them. The disposal cost was minimal so it didn't really come into the equation as we were clearing a lot of other stuff out anyway and no I didn't get anything for them.

I don't really go to pubs these days only wine bars.
Cushty Rodney
I read it as the luxury option that they didn't take rather than they didn't have any at all. Doesn't make sense otherwise.
Either way it's mainly bollocks. Rich folk tend to have things which is fair enough but this fairytale he's spinning about 80k not being such a great wage and rich folk driving round in a Corsa sxi and having their jollies in Blackpool is.

Not as funny as Dell Boy with his spare 200 pairs of shoes.

All Jimmy Choo no doubt just waiting for an orphan to pick up or get delivered by a Barnardos worker in his Ferrari.
A great way to frighten companies right off UKPLC... I thought they wanted to promote growth?
Well both you and I would like to think so but the leaks from inside government (small g) are currently like the "Nightmare before Christmas".
I guess it's to make us feel happier about what taxes we eventually get. Sort of "Phew look what we could have got!
The trouble is if you scare the business and investment horses too much, the economy could well suddenly stop growing and UK PLC suddenly nose dives towards recession.
Yep not a penny or as I said a rusty washer to any of them.

Had first hand dealings with them all and they are nothing but a money making scam. In 2001 I bought an old mill which was used for shoe manufacturing. The place was left full of shoes scattered all over the place, probably about 5000 pairs. All I wanted was the place clearing of them so I rang every charity in the book. Said you can have them all, just bring some vans and take them away. The reps from the Red Cross, Oxfam, Help the Aged and more all turned up in their new BMW's and Merc's, had a look round and basically said it was too much effort for them but they would happily accept a cash donation. Ended up skipping them all and after that I vowed I'll never give a penny to charity again.

And yes I would rather my kids blow whatever I leave them on whatever they want rather than it go to some no mark who is too bone idle to get a job or someone that has come over on a boat and put nothing into the country.
I reckon the reps in the BMWs and Mercs had inherited them.
But let's be honest, if the large corporations aren't paying any of the tax they're currently supposed to be paying, then increasing the tax rate isn't going to achieve anything. They'll just not be paying a higher rate of tax. What really needs to happen with multinational corporations is a new system where they actually get taxed on immovable assets rather than profits. Starbucks want to run all of their profits through some giant Swiss tax swizz, fine. Tax every one of their coffee shops instead. VAT for Starbucks at 40% instead of 20%. Tax multinational corporations like alcohol, based on the harm they do to the economy.

There is a global tax regime coming in. These companies have took the piss for too long.
Yeah loads of people with houses 500k up to millions and above are car less and dont take holidays.

Why do you keep giving out false figures and false scenarios?

What a stupid post. I didn't say these people have no car and no holidays you utter muppet. Do you not get at all that people make choices in life in order to help their kids? Maybe that doesn't happen in your brain.

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