The Labour Government

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Nearly nine hundred thousands pensioners who are eligible for pension credit do not apply for it, so the probability of all those eligible making new applications and receiving this before the winter hits is essentially nil.

Did the government conduct a proper analysis of this issue before they withdrew the WFA? No they didn’t. Tells you all you need to know about their competence.
Do you really believe the 22 billion bollocks? They new full well what the economy was like when they lied in their manifesto

It’s not really a matter of belief, or anything to do with Labour for that matter. The £22Bn number comes from the OBR.

You can claim Labour may have had some clue about it before the election (though if OBR didn’t, I’m not sure why they would), but you can’t exactly call it bollocks. It’s a very factual gap that breaches the OBR’s guidelines.

I find that VERY dubious indeed. Not to mention the fact that - if my understanding is correct - a big part of the 22bn, was public sector and NHS pay rises - which the Tory government were not going to pay. So it's only a black hole because Labour have decided to pay it.
The independent pay review body recommended them.

Secondly austerity hit public service workers the most-with pay eroded by around 20% over the decade.
As somebody who’s kids will end up paying IHT on my assets (though hopefully not for a long time) there’s something profoundly perplexing to me about inherited wealth.

People’s number one argument against IHT tends to be along the lines of “I worked hard all my life to set up my kids/family for the future, so it’s wrong to stop me passing the earnings from that hard work onto my kids”.

Yeah okay, sure, maybe you worked hard… But did they? The people actually receiving the wealth. What have they done to deserve that, exactly? Existed?

I find it weird that these are sometimes the same people who talk about layabouts getting handouts for nothing on the one hand, but then are rabid about giving their own handouts on the other. Money for nothing is fine as long as it’s my kids getting it and not some stranger? Seems a touch hypocritical. The benefit is completely de-coupled from the cost. If they want the benefits they should earn it, I thought that’s what rugged capitalism was about?

Confusing. I get it is a matter of opinion but it will never make sense to me. I might want to put a backstop in place to ensure my family avoids destitution after I’m gone, sure, but other than that? They can carve their own path. They should carve their own path. Until we’re at the point where we as a society live in abundance and work is no longer necessary, it doesn’t square with me.

Politics of envy in this respect looks a lot to me like moral consistency.
Plus a lot of people are now drawing their own pension before they get the inheritance! Bit late for a "leg-up"!
My partners grandma wealth is roughly 650 k , but grandparents worked hard and progress as teachers , she is 95 now he was 98 when he passed last year , there was so careful with money both ended up in care , while people next to them got it free

My dad worked 2 jobs 7 days a week , parents paid mortage off quicker then invested so have done ok , but even now in there 70’s buy cheap food , house is like something from the 80’s

Both of them want to pass money onto children and grand children , why should labour come and try and change that
I’m pretty sure her current allowance is 500 plus 500-so a million.

I do hope Labour change the allowance because we need more wealth distribution.
Well done, you got likes from the whole Tory squad.
Not all likes are Tory I liked it I think we need to care for our old people anyway, maybe Reeves will increase the basic State pension to help alleviate some of the problems facing old people heating is fundamental. Let Reeves collect from the people she declared in the manifesto Non Doms Tax fraud it’s worth billions

Another point it won’t be long before the old age pension is means tested if government of any colour are allowed to get away with means testing the WFP increases in Gas Electricity Water and food were and are extremely high it won’t be long before the pension we’ve all paid into is means tested
It’s not really a matter of belief, or anything to do with Labour for that matter. The £22Bn number comes from the OBR.

You can claim Labour may have had some clue about it before the election (though if OBR didn’t, I’m not sure why they would), but you can’t exactly call it bollocks. It’s a very factual gap that breaches the OBR’s guidelines.

The £22bn figure does not come from the OBR.

The £22bn figure is an estimate from the Treasury, and the OBR merely acknowledges that they had been made aware of this estimate prior to it being made public.

Whether the guidance on departmental spending provided to the OBR ahead of the March Budget was misleading or not is currently the subject of a review by the OBR. It’s not currently correct to say that there is any factual gap around the spending forecasts or indeed that the OBR was misled. That’s why the OBR needs to have a review on the matter to establish the facts.
Not all likes are Tory I liked it I think we need to care for our old people anyway, maybe Reeves will increase the basic State pension to help alleviate some of the problems facing old people heating is fundamental. Let Reeves collect from the people she declared in the manifesto Non Doms Tax fraud it’s worth billions

Another point it won’t be long before the old age pension is means tested if government of any colour are allowed to get away with means testing the WFP increases in Gas Electricity Water and food were and are extremely high it won’t be long before the pension we’ve all paid into is means tested
Tbh I think it’s inevitable that the state pension is means tested-16 million pensioners? Unfortunately it’s only a matter of time

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