The Labour Government

Does Reeves not just hate old people? She’s gonna take their money when they die and she’ll try and help a few along the way by freezing them to death.

The clues are there.

That's a bit cynical, just you wait until they remove the 2 child cap and the whole raft of policies that will improve the lot of everyone living in poverty.

All we have to do is wait until Reeves has kicked the shit out of pensioners enough so many die to get the funds together to implement the changes.
But you assume a basic premise "The previous guy was inept below the level of incompetent for 14 years".

Serious question, do you think the what is it, £300bn we spent on the furlow scheme was necessary? That the cross-party support for it was correct? And do you think that the country shutting down for 1 to 2 years and the additional £300bn of debt might possibly have had an impact upon our current economic situation?

Do you think the worldwide increases in inflation rates, and the gross mishandling of that by the incompetent, independent, Bank of England, has had any bearing on the UK economy and the average person's disposable income?

How about the 10x increase in wholesale gas prices. Any effect on household energy bills, do you think?

I get that people were bored of 14 years of Tory governments and I get that they made some mistakes, some howlers. But so does every government. Labour have made several in their first 50 days. I cannot hardly wait for the next blunder.

It is absolute nonsense to blame the Tories entirely for the state of our economy, which incidentally is growing quite nicely and faster than the G7 right now.
Your last para trumpets the Tory shout about faster growth than the rest of Europe. You fall for the smoke and mirrors that was the Tories strategy. It's easier to grow faster from rock bottom than it is from a position higher up the economic pyramid. As to the rest of your detailed list I am sure the Tories got somethings right but no one can argue that their 14 years was a glorious success.
Does Reeves not just hate old people? She’s gonna take their money when they die and she’ll try and help a few along the way by freezing them to death.

The clues are there.
We all knew there was no money and that if labour was going to make things better/spend money they would have to find it somewhere. In the absence of substantial economic growth then that somewhere will have to be taxation.
Does Reeves not just hate old people? She’s gonna take their money when they die and she’ll try and help a few along the way by freezing them to death.

The clues are there.
I believed Labour would sort the mess out, the Tories left a 22 billion black hole and I thought the first to suffer the pinch would be those at the top of the food chain. I’m prepared to accept the WFP but today we are told the water board wants to put up rates by 50% between now and 2030. So add to that Gas and Electric rises, many old people face a tough time

To cope with climate changes 50% on rates, it’s never stopped raining in the north west
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Does Reeves not just hate old people? She’s gonna take their money when they die and she’ll try and help a few along the way by freezing them to death.

The clues are there.
My in-laws are pretty well off. Both retired in their early 50s, because they had generous pensions. They don't need the winter fuel allowance. They've even tried to have their's cancelled, out of guilt, in the past. In fact there's an awful lot of well-off baby boomers who don't need that money, and a lot of younger people, who are far worse off, who do need it. The same younger people who probably aren't going to be able to retire until their 70. It's right that the fuel payment is means tested. The important thing is making sure that older people, who need the benefit, are able and encouraged to apply for it.
My in-laws are pretty well off. Both retired in their early 50s, because they had generous pensions. They don't need the winter fuel allowance. They've even tried to have their's cancelled, out of guilt, in the past. In fact there's an awful lot of well-off baby boomers who don't need that money, and a lot of younger people, who are far worse off, who do need it. The same younger people who probably aren't going to be able to retire until their 70. It's right that the fuel payment is means tested. The important thing is making sure that older people, who need the benefit, are able and encouraged to apply for it.

Your in-laws can't retire on a state pension until they are 67 either can they? FWIW I agree that benefits like the fuel allowance should be means tested.
I believed Labour would sort the mess out, the Tories left a 22 billion black hole and I thought the first to suffer the pinch would be those at the top of the food chain. I’m prepared to accept the WFP but today we are told the water board wants to put up rates by 50% between now and 2030. So add to that Gas and Electric rises, many old people face a tough time

To cope with climate changes 50% on rates, it’s never stopped raining in the north west
Do you really believe the 22 billion bollocks? They new full well what the economy was like when they lied in their manifesto

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