The Labour Government

As someone who deals with habitual smokers on a daily basis I'm all for it. The most prolific smokers need us to make the habit absolutely fucking miserable for them so they are forced by circumstances to stop. Many lack the will power and rationality to make changes and some even find weird justifications and claim vaping and nicotine replacement is worse than smoking. Nutters.

There is no such thing as the human right to smoke.

It's a disgusting habit and it harms all of us because we have to pay for the cost of treating their pointless self inflicted health conditions.
Been smoking 50 years. Been to a doctor because of it precisely never.
I'll start by asking you how many times this year have you sat in a pub beer garden and had a meal? If you live anywhere near me i'd guess no more than 3 as it's not stopped pissing down all summer.

The pubs i mainly go in do not serve food but there are usually kids in. Their 'meal' is a bag of crisps and their parents aren't drinking water. The pub at the end of my street is a kid friendly eaterie, has a playroom inside and out for them as well. I never go there.
When someone 'assaults their kidneys with alcohol' they are also more likely to assault someone full stop. Not through 'passive drunkeness' but direct aggression.
Went to a pub in Shropshire for lunch earlier in the Summer, it was fairly rammed. A few kids here and there. One thing nobody did was light up; despite this proposal being non-existent at the time. That's because most recognise that in this day and age it's common decency not to smoke in front of others. Any parent taking their kid to a pub while they get hammered is obviously unfit, but most aren't like that. At least not the ones I know.
Enjoy the removal of the portrait - likely to be the most socialist thing Starmer does. Performative nonsense and deliberately made public to enhance his lefty credentials.
You seriously think this former Trotskyite who used to write for communist newsletters, has morphed into a capitalist? I don’t.

I hope he’s just a socialist and has not been hiding his Trotskyite beliefs for political expediency. If the latter we’re all screwed.
Because the foreign aid budget is a Good Thing.
So is a nice fillet steak meal. But it’s not essential and you don’t go eating it whilst at the same time complaing that you have no money.

Wouldn’t it have been better to trim the overseas aid budget by 15%, and use that to fund the winter fuel allowance?

There was an interview with some Labour stooge who was being grilled and a letter read out about a gentleman who has very little pension but just a tiny bit too much to claim pension credit. He is genuinely terrified at how on earth he is going to stay warm this winter. The MP had no answer, and just said they had to make tough decisions. I think it was a dreadful decision and need not have been tough at all. There was a very simple solution as above.

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