The Labour Government

So was Covid. Never happened. Didn’t cost the country a penny. Ditto war in Ukraine.

And as a starement of fact, Starmer is a lying **** about this unexpected black hole crap. He’s on video talking about it in May, way before the GE. I’m staggered he has the bare faced gall to try to pretend otherwise. He’s taking the entire country for utter mugs.
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They all do it. The plan is always the same:
1. Blame previous gov for leaving bad finances behind.
2. Increase taxes and make other unpopular changes.
3. Wait 4 years for people to forget. Maybe cut some taxes.
4. Call election.
I agree to an extent. However I don’t remember this fake acting “gosh it’s so much worse than we thought”. Especially when it is demonstrably a blatant lie.

And I don’t remember previously, SUCH a stark difference between pre-election talk of hope and sunny uplands, contrasted with post-election, “this is going to be REALLY bad”

Even the few people who actually voted for these tossers are thinking WTF????
I agree to an extent. However I don’t remember this fake acting “gosh it’s so much worse than we thought”. Especially when it is demonstrably a blatant lie.

And I don’t remember previously, SUCH a stark difference between pre-election talk of hope and sunny uplands, contrasted with post-election, “this is going to be REALLY bad”

Even the few people who actually voted for these tossers are thinking WTF????
You don’t half post some shite.
Starter has been saying how bad it is and how long it will take to turn round for months.
As someone who deals with habitual smokers on a daily basis I'm all for it. The most prolific smokers need us to make the habit absolutely fucking miserable for them so they are forced by circumstances to stop. Many lack the will power and rationality to make changes and some even find weird justifications and claim vaping and nicotine replacement is worse than smoking. Nutters.

There is no such thing as the human right to smoke.

It's a disgusting habit and it harms all of us because we have to pay for the cost of treating their pointless self inflicted health conditions.

I’m all for people stopping smoking but I seriously hope you’re not a healthcare worker in any capacity. Your holier than thou attitude to patients you “deal with” is a disgrace and probably explains why you can’t get them to stop.

How would you feel if you, or a loved one, were obese - and the nurses left you without food as they see if as feeding your addiction.
So is a nice fillet steak meal. But it’s not essential and you don’t go eating it whilst at the same time complaing that you have no money.

Wouldn’t it have been better to trim the overseas aid budget by 15%, and use that to fund the winter fuel allowance?

There was an interview with some Labour stooge who was being grilled and a letter read out about a gentleman who has very little pension but just a tiny bit too much to claim pension credit. He is genuinely terrified at how on earth he is going to stay warm this winter. The MP had no answer, and just said they had to make tough decisions. I think it was a dreadful decision and need not have been tough at all. There was a very simple solution as above.

Perhaps more wealthy countries are already preparing an overseas aid package for our OAP’s. Blankets and thermals.

“Your 10 USD can keep a grandma warm this winter”
You don’t half post some shite.
Starter has been saying how bad it is and how long it will take to turn round for months.
He was painting a picture of positivity under Labour before though with not a whiff of “things will get worse before they get better”.

And how on earth can he keep a straight face when lying about a surprise £22bn black hole, is beyond me. He must think we’re all idiots.
I’m all for people stopping smoking but I seriously hope you’re not a healthcare worker in any capacity. Your holier than thou attitude to patients you “deal with” is a disgrace and probably explains why you can’t get them to stop.

How would you feel if you, or a loved one, were obese - and the nurses left you without food as they see if as feeding your addiction.

I'm not. They aren't called patients either.

It's no one's job to persuade people to stop smoking. If they aren't interested at all there's usually no point bothering.

The only person who has responsibility for stopping are the smoker.

You seem to have trouble with the concept that people might think one thing and act in a different way. Why would I think any different about people who say they have been smoking for X decades as if it's something to be proud of?

And why would I care what you think when you make such a daft analogy.

Smokers who are inpatients at hospital are not allowed to smoke either. They are given nicotine replacement.

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