The Labour Government

So is a nice fillet steak meal. But it’s not essential and you don’t go eating it whilst at the same time complaining that you have no money.

Wouldn’t it have been better to trim the overseas aid budget by 15%, and use that to fund the winter fuel allowance?

There was an interview with some Labour stooge who was being grilled and a letter read out about a gentleman who has very little pension but just a tiny bit too much to claim pension credit. He is genuinely terrified at how on earth he is going to stay warm this winter. The MP had no answer, and just said they had to make tough decisions. I think it was a dreadful decision and need not have been tough at all. There was a very simple solution as above.
The Tories have already cut overseas aid by 30%.

How about we abandon Trident?

(Cue thirty pages on defence policy.)

Incidentally, half the "Robin Hood in Reverse" stuff that report was complaining about was being spent to fund research by UK universities to study things in foreign countries that could have universal benefit (e.g. technological measures to mitigate pollution in cities). Given the provenance of the report, it was obviously an attempt to suggest that the aid budget is going to the undeserving rich in poor countries, in order to appeal to people who always think "charity begins at home". It's obviously worked with some on here.
The Tories have already cut overseas aid by 30%.

How about we abandon Trident?

(Cue thirty pages on defence policy.)

Incidentally, half the "Robin Hood in Reverse" stuff that report was complaining about was being spent to fund research by UK universities to study things in foreign countries that could have universal benefit (e.g. technological measures to mitigate pollution in cities). Given the provenance of the report, it was obviously an attempt to suggest that the aid budget is going to the undeserving rich in poor countries, in order to appeal to people who always think "charity begins at home". It's obviously worked with some on here.
Honestly Vic, I’ve no idea why we haven’t cut the foreign aid budget by much more if the country is as “unexpectedly” broke as the lying twats make out. What on earth are we giving money to India for? A country with its own space program. It’s ridiculous.
But we've got the best growth in the G7. The Tories didn't leave a mess. There is no black hole. The last 14 years were but a dream.
So was Covid. Never happened. Didn’t cost the country a penny. Ditto war in Ukraine.

And as a starement of fact, Starmer is a lying **** about this unexpected black hole crap. He’s on video talking about it in May, way before the GE. I’m staggered he has the bare faced gall to try to pretend otherwise. He’s taking the entire country for utter mugs.

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