The Labour Government

I agree to an extent. However I don’t remember this fake acting “gosh it’s so much worse than we thought”. Especially when it is demonstrably a blatant lie.

And I don’t remember previously, SUCH a stark difference between pre-election talk of hope and sunny uplands, contrasted with post-election, “this is going to be REALLY bad”

Even the few people who actually voted for these tossers are thinking WTF????
I would say, if you don’t want to vote for tossers, don’t vote at all. Britain needs creative thinkers in government, not the same old tired policies. Where are those thinkers? I see no difference between the parties other than temporary policies which are not fundamental.
He was painting a picture of positivity under Labour before though with not a whiff of “things will get worse before they get better”.

And how on earth can he keep a straight face when lying about a surprise £22bn black hole, is beyond me.
No, he was painting a picture that the country needed change. We all knew that the economy was in trouble-but not just how much. The Tories did and still proceeded to cut NI,something Jeremy Hunt said after the election they couldn't afford. The truth is, none of know what information Labour had access to, but therewere plenty of comments before the elction that Snak had gone early because they knew things were going to get worse-and they are going to.
I'm not. They aren't called patients either.

It's no one's job to persuade people to stop smoking. If they aren't interested at all there's usually no point bothering.

The only person who have responsibility in stopping are smokers.

You seem to have trouble with the concept that people might think one thing and act in a different way. Why would I think any different about people who say they have been smoking for X decades as if it's something to be proud of?

And why would I care what you think when you make such a daft analogy.

Smokers who are inpatients at hospital are not allowed to smoke either. They are given nicotine replacement.

Ok so you’re not in healthcare thus the rest of your post about dealing with smokers is nonsense. Leave you to your fantasy on that one lad.

And in patients are offered patches but have the right to decline (a human right you seem unable to accept smokers should have) those that are bodily able can go outside to smoke - whilst they are not supposed to smoke on hospital property they do, heath staff aren’t paid enough to give a shit if they are at the entrance to the hospital smoking or have taken themselves to a bush off site. They aren’t prisoners.
No, he was painting a picture that the country needed change. We all knew that the economy was in trouble-but not just how much. The Tories did and still proceeded to cut NI,something Jeremy Hunt said after the election they couldn't afford. The truth is, none of know what information Labour had access to, but therewere plenty of comments before the elction that Snak had gone early because they knew things were going to get worse-and they are going to.
Ffs, don’t mention pictures.
He was painting a picture of positivity under Labour before though with not a whiff of “things will get worse before they get better”.

And how on earth can he keep a straight face when lying about a surprise £22bn black hole, is beyond me. He must think we’re all idiots.
There’s a fair few idiots on here who believe the horseshit about £22bn.

Hook, line and sinker. Absolute stooges the lot of them.
There’s a fair few idiots on here who believe the horseshit about £22bn.

Hook, line and sinker. Absolute stooges the lot of them.
As someone who was regularly taken in by Johnson and Sunak I’m not sure you’re in a position to criticise anyone who doesn’t share your opinion of Starmer’s narrative. If you’re looking for a stooge try the mirror.
Ok so you’re not in healthcare thus the rest of your post about dealing with smokers is nonsense. Leave you to your fantasy on that one lad.

It's not but considering your tone you aren't deserving of the details.
And in patients are offered patches but have the right to decline (a human right you seem unable to accept smokers should have) those that are bodily able can go outside to smoke - whilst they are not supposed to smoke on hospital property they do, heath staff aren’t paid enough to give a shit if they are at the entrance to the hospital smoking or have taken themselves to a bush off site. They aren’t prisoners.

I didn't pretend they were. Just proves how selfish many smokers are though.
I agree to an extent. However I don’t remember this fake acting “gosh it’s so much worse than we thought”. ...
Thankfully, one need not rely on memory.

Now that we have had a chance to look at what has really been going on, I want to tell you the scale of the problem that we face.

...Today, our national debt stands at £770 billion. Within just five years it is set to nearly double to £1.4 trillion. To put it in perspective, that is some £22,000 for every man, woman and child in our country.

....Now, we knew this before. Soon,the independent Office for Budget Responsibility will set out independent forecasts that will show the scale of the problem we are in today. For the first time people will be able to see a really truly independent assessment of the nation’s finances and the size of the structural deficit.

This important innovation has been noticed around the world, and I believe will help restore confidence in our fiscal framework. But what I can tell you today – and what we did not know for sure before, in fact what we could not know, because the previous Chancellor of the Exchequer did not make the figures available – is how much the interest on our debt is likely to increase in the years to come.

David Cameron, June 2010

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