The Labour Government

It's hyperbolic nonsense but that's generally what you get from minister on the media-round.

It was the right thing to do though. And there isn't a big political downside for them. The benefit was originally introduced by Labour and this demographic continued to vote Tory because of the patronage bestowed up them.

We were told that the grown-ups were in charge now and that we could expect change. She shouldn't be spouting bollocks like that and our media should be calling them out for saying it, not just repeating it.

I'm also not of the opinion that it's the right thing to do. There will be a lot of people in that demographic who will suffer. I don't care how they voted, they're targeting the wrong people, just like the last government.
I’m thinking we are doing this wrong and should just allow the far right to get on with it. Looking at many other countries, we should forget about global economics and be selfish, completely nationalistic, almost facist, could we become Nazi?

Fuck me, have I just seen Jenrik playing a US style crowd? Absolute **** of a man.
We should allow the far-right to continue because they're a tiny minority and they aren't a threat. Reform gained 4m votes at the last election, that's around 5% of the population.

The biggest hidden issue at the last election was the simple fact that nearly 40% of the country didn't vote at all. If voting apathy was a party then it would of won by an absolute country mile. If we had PR then proportionally nearly half of Parliament would technically just be empty seats.

The party that won a huge majority and is now in power was elected by less than 15% of the population. It just proves and suggests that politics is not a burning issue for most people, or people just are so apathetic that it's pointless voting.
You know the thing about a prediction of growth to be the best in the G7 this year.
Cancel that.
The Institute of Directors’ (IoD’s) economic confidence index plunged from a three-year high of +7 in July to -12 in August.
Another month of that and recession is incoming.
Kwasi Kwarteng - eat your heart out...
We'll have 4 years of shit, and then miraculously, there will be loads of give aways in the 5th year.

Then rinse and repeat no matter which colour shirt gets in.

I've been voting since 1975 and as a Country we've always had no money and times are always hard, except when the twats (Blue or Red) want re electing so they can keep putting their collective snouts in the trough.
You know the thing about a prediction of growth to be the best in the G7 this year.
Cancel that.
The Institute of Directors’ (IoD’s) economic confidence index plunged from a three-year high of +7 in July to -12 in August.
Another month of that and recession is incoming.
Kwasi Kwarteng - eat your heart out...
The government of the day doesn't really matter. This is just reflective of the global economy.

The US is set to struggle over the coming months and Chinese and European growth is already struggling. Germany is already in technical recession.
Nope not the ones outside the venues, there would be even more tickets available for them to profit from without the ticketmasters of this world owning all the game.

The government tax ticketmaster they don't tax the lad outside the venue whispering do you want a ticket.
I’d rather he got a cut than some cunty corporate machine.
Sure but over 60% of the claims were for a chauffeur driven car to ferry him around London.

A standard 22/23 K a quarter , nearly 8K a month. Neither of his successors claimed for such a perk. Maybe someone put a stop to it because Keith abused the privilege so much?
Starmer put a stop to it.

Question is, was the car what his Tory predecessor used to use? Suggestions of profligacy don't really stand up against his stay in that height of Manchester hotel luxury, the Ramada Piccadilly. Anyway, this story was public knowledge last year.

Now for real corruption, you know where to look.


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