The Labour Government

One word judgements by offsted abolished. About time.

It really should not be difficult to have a narrative verdict. Our kids' primary achieved outstanding, then the government changed attainment targets to mean schools in deprived areas struggled to meet the criteria (and having to take in one pupil expelled from elsewhere - just before SATs - could "demote" the school). One other school near us was clearly fiddling the SATs; the local authority knew it but Ofsted had the say.
We should allow the far-right to continue because they're a tiny minority and they aren't a threat. Reform gained 4m votes at the last election, that's around 5% of the population.

The biggest hidden issue at the last election was the simple fact that nearly 40% of the country didn't vote at all. If voting apathy was a party then it would of won by an absolute country mile. If we had PR then proportionally nearly half of Parliament would technically just be empty seats.

The party that won a huge majority and is now in power was elected by less than 15% of the population. It just proves and suggests that politics is not a burning issue for most people, or people just are so apathetic that it's pointless voting.

Correct and you have to wonder as to why. In spite of all the promises and claptrap of every elected government of "Tough choices have to be made before things get better" nothing ever does. It's not because some aren't given enough time either. The Tories had FOURTEEN years in power. No wonder people are apathetic. For the majority of people they are correct when they say there's no point voting nothing changes.
Incidently, expect a huge rise in Government Capital Gains tax receipts before the budget at which point payments will fall off a cliff.
All due to business being sold at a very high rate and other assets being converted into cash by folks preparing for an increased capital gains tax regime.
Because that’s what Labour do. You work hard all your life, do OK and the lefties want to take what little nest egg you have off you so they can piss it away on welfare and benefits scroungers. To them any inherited wealth is evil. It’s envy, jealousy and spite. Nothing more.
Come on PPT- you've had a week to decide what to do with welfare and all those workers on benefits. They're not all "scroungers".
I believe double the amount of tax is lost through undeclared income than by tax avoidance.

It never ceases to amaze me how people are so forgiving of cash in hand earnings yet think people should pay more tax through things like IHT.
Are you seriously trying to suggest that ticket touts don’t declare all their earnings to HMRC?!!!

It really should not be difficult to have a narrative verdict. Our kids' primary achieved outstanding, then the government changed attainment targets to mean schools in deprived areas struggled to meet the criteria (and having to take in one pupil expelled from elsewhere - just before SATs - could "demote" the school). One other school near us was clearly fiddling the SATs; the local authority knew it but Ofsted had the say.
Sats should be fucked off as well, my daughter did them this year, from January to May they did nothing but work towards them, all other subjects went out the window, it wasn’t even about the kids it’s about the school, she is one of the Covid kids so her spelling and maths had fallen behind, when they went back to school they should hammered maths and English to get them all back up to standard, but no they carried on as normal then low and behold two years later they panicked like fuck the kids were behind, so guess what they binned all other subjects in a vain attempt to catch up, that should’ve been done years before, the education minister should’ve realised this after Covid and put in place.
I believe double the amount of tax is lost through undeclared income than by tax avoidance.

It never ceases to amaze me how people are so forgiving of cash in hand earnings yet think people should pay more tax through things like IHT.
I’ve always said the same, I’ve always paid my tax through PAYE, when I got a tattoo it’s nearly all cash, do you really think they declare that £600! I guarantee the tax man thinks the average tattooist is on £300 a day.
This isn't an objective opinion. The first biggest test was the riots and he got spot on. The rioters were rounded up, extra police rolled onto the standing army and harsh sentences given out. And all whilst prison capacity reaches breaking point.

I don't agree with that at all. Sure he condemned the riots, well done.

He also clearly leaned on the judiciary, presumably through influence and former contacts to dish out sentences which in some cases were utterly ludicrous. I find that VERY disconcerting indeed. The judiciary are supposed to be impartial, but demonstrably in many cases, they were not.

I don't know what pressure he applied to the police either, because we CLEARLY saw two-tier policing in action. White people being arrested for doing nothing more than shouting, and in other situations, Muslim gangs with knives just being asked nicely by the police if they wouldn't mind dropping them off at the Mosque. And when asked about two-tier policing, all he does is get tetchy about it, rather than addressing the question and the issue.

He also alienated thousands of Labour voters in deprived areas, branding anyone who was outside anywhere near a riot as a far-right thug/racist. I am sure that went down well. And given his massive pro-European anti-brexit mindset, he has completely failed to make any comment about him understanding tension and issues caused by mass immigration, which was what the protests were all about.

I would not call all of the above "spot on". The public don't either, hence his approval ratings. Do you not realise that immigration is THE biggest issue the electorate are concerned about, and throughout the disturbances, he didn't mention it at all. Which IMO shows his arrogance and complete lack of political nouse. This will ultimately cost him IMO.
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