The Labour Government

So she was incompetent and had no business renting out houses then. Someone owning four houses and renting them out is a slum landlord.

The point about DSS was about her current position, but you hadn't divulged the fact they are holiday lets at that point.
Who on earth is someone a slum landlord as there got 4 properties to rent out

What happens when less rentals become available?
incompetent? She learned from her errors in renting to people who had good references and as I stated one was a friend of a family member. She sustained her business for many years always maintaining a profit but it was getting more difficult that's why she switched to the Holiday lets.

She also owns an apartment in Miraflores Spain which is only rented to close family and friends and at a really low rate.

She's far from incompetent, works hard, ran a Taxi business for many years (partnership) and deserves everything she's worked towards.

You're just a member of the looney left who can't stand others succeeding in life but you defend the feckless lazy cunts in society, pathetic.

Contrary politics to support the politics of envy.
Why on earth is someone a slum landlord as there got 4 properties to rent out
She was renting out low quality housing and making a living off other people’s hard work and doing sod all. She was also shit at it.

Start a business, buy a business, make some investments in something other than BTL. These people are scum. They produce almost nothing and act as if they are doing a public service. You invested money that was borrowed at low interest rates and there's very little risk to the capital.

What happens when less rentals become available?

incompetent? She learned from her errors in renting to people who had good references and as I stated one was a friend of a family member. She sustained her business for many years always maintaining a profit but it was getting more difficult that's why she switched to the Holiday lets.

She also owns an apartment in Miraflores Spain which is only rented to close family and friends and at a really low rate.

She's far from incompetent, works hard, ran a Taxi business for many years (partnership) and deserves everything she's worked towards.

You're just a member of the looney left who can't stand others succeeding in life but you defend the feckless lazy cunts in society, pathetic.
‘Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.’ Winston Churchill 1948.
Absolutely bang on the money.
‘Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.’ Winston Churchill 1948.
Absolutely bang on the money.

This would be relevant if I was a socialist. I'm not. Churchill was a Georgist. Unlike you he approved of IHT and land taxes.

You have a point....

fuck me, it's the Kobayashi family portrait!

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