The Labour Government

Get a full time job instead?

You can put money in pensions you know.

Why do landlords need special pleading? The majority are selfish and entitled cunts.
What if you got a full time job and your company hasn’t offered pensions till there had to and the type of work will never get a good pension

What if that person can graft do overtime to get into a position to do that , defo a **** really

Or should people like me just work till we dead
What if you got a full time job and your company hasn’t offered pensions till there had to and the type of work will never get a good pension

What if that person can graft do overtime to get into a position to do that , defo a **** really

Or should people like me just work till we dead

As I said. You can get a private pension. You are talking about people who have enough money to put down a deposit of 40%. That's 60k on a £150,000 house.

Enough to put in a pension.

Maybe just stop acquiring more wealth and just enjoy it whilst you are alive?

Poverty stricken landlords?

Go talk to someone more gullible who gives a shit.
There's little point on debating anything even remotely "political" on the internet.
People tend to "double down" on most matters, particularly politics, and the Internet just adds to that.

I consider myself as very "central" and have been able to see both sides since I was a kid (politics was always discussed in our house. To much disagreement I might add).

I think there is good and bad on both sides, but some people can't admit it.

There seems to be a really odd leaning by some to want to call white people "bad" because they can.

Every person that does that needs to grow the fuck up.

I'm sick of it.
As I said. You can get a private pension. You are talking about people who have enough money to put down a deposit of 40%. That's 60k on a £150,000 house.

Enough to put in a pension.

Maybe just stop acquiring more wealth and just enjoy it whilst you are alive?

Poverty stricken landlords?

Go talk to someone more gullible who gives a shit.
No landlord is poverty stricken as if there are , there doing a bad job and shouldn’t be renting homes out

I put money into a private one

Most landlords are far from scum or greedy most just want a bit of pension money

Can I ask what do you do as a job /or did
As I said. You can get a private pension. You are talking about people who have enough money to put down a deposit of 40%. That's 60k on a £150,000 house.

Enough to put in a pension.

Maybe just stop acquiring more wealth and just enjoy it whilst you are alive?

Poverty stricken landlords?

Go talk to someone more gullible who gives a shit.
Can't even spare a thought for landlords in these difficult times ......heartless bastard ;-)
Should be more dedicated student housing tbh. And at affordable rates or reasonable profits socialised towards councils, universities or local community.
I think Australia (or parts of) introduced a rule whereby if universities wanted to increase the number of international students they bring in, they also had to provide the equivalent number of accommodation spaces to house them. I feel like that'd be a good move, not just for international students, but for students in general. But then universities are underfunded to fuck in the UK these days, and increasingly relying on fee-paying international students to subsidize things, so it's not exactly an easy solution.

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