The Labour Government

Isn't that from a few years ago when a bunch of anti-vaxers accosted him about amongst other things supposedly not prosecuting Saville, a discredited claim which Johnson had made the previous week? Not sure of the relevance of it now other than to remind us we used to have a PM who really didn't give a shit about the consequences of his lies.

He'd probably have them all locked up for years now if he had the chance.
Well that’s more on you and how you chose to read it to be fair. I was making the point of the different levels between those on a grade higher than me, myself and then those on a grade lower. I said they “worked for me” in the context of I feel personally responsible for them and them feeling rewarded as well as enjoying what they do as a personal accountability, however I’m constrained by the same company rules everyone else is.

I consider them all my colleagues and actually primarily friends, neither of which apply as much as to how I feel about those in the director or exec level roles.

Regardless of that, it’s only demeaning and insulting depending on the context. There’s numerous times a week where I have to say “I work for x” or “x works for me”. It’s only baffling when you attempt to project an ulterior motivation for doing it like you’ve done there, which I find even more baffling than attempting to check the motivation before doing so.
Absolute bollocks, you've showed your true colours and are trying to hide behind your indefensible POV, I hate that "he/she works for me" change your stance, it's shocking tbh.
He'd probably have them all locked up for years now if he had the chance.

Maybe he lies there wishing he could do a "Donald" and seek to settle all his old scores with a few day 1 executive orders? More seriously, after the murders of Jo Cox and David Amess and a host of incidents in the last election, I do think anyone physically haranguing our elected representatives needs to be dealt with pretty harshly.
Maybe he lies there wishing he could do a "Donald" and seek to settle all his old scores with a few day 1 executive orders? More seriously, after the murders of Jo Cox and David Amess and a host of incidents in the last election, I do think anyone physically haranguing our elected representatives needs to be dealt with pretty harshly.

I'd agree with you completely, the only problems I see with the proposition is that both sides of the argument vehemently believe people that don't think like they do deserve everything they get.
You don’t like having your ignorance of benefits exposed do you?
PIP isn’t even a means tested benefit, Richard Branson could claim it if he qualified. It has fuck all to do with rent.
It was never paid to landlords.
Try reading beyond the red tops deary cos at the moment your pig ignorance is embarrassing, you just look stupid.
I don't read red tops, as I posted before you are very dismissive of anyone who is slightly off track.

I'm always willing to have my argument debated and admit I'm wrong but you are so intransigent, I'll not bother any more.
I'd agree with you completely, the only problems I see with the proposition is that both sides of the argument vehemently believe people that don't think like they do deserve everything they get.

INo doubt there's a fair few like that thanks to the joys of social media etc. In the same way that having a pop at the police is an aggravating factor which means you are more likely to have the book thrown at you, having a pop at our elected legislators (and for that matter the judiciary and the executive) is a direct attack on the rule of law and shouldn't be tolerated.
Sooner or later this new Labour government has to jettison the conspiracy of silence and address the elephant in the room. When Brexit Boston is turning against it , it's surely time for a complete about turn. I reckon a referendum now would produce a 60/40 win for re-entry, but instead of reopening a damaging debate it's time to put this supermajority to good use and by pass the need (especially if polling confirms my beliefs) and show leadership which I think people in the UK really want now.


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