The Labour Government

The liberal left Labour voters always insist that all our problems are due to the wealthiest individuals and corporations not paying their fair share of taxes... yet so far all I've heard from the Labour government is the "pain" that's going to have to be felt by pensioners, council tax paying households and people with modest works pensions.

They seem to have forgotten about all the millionaires, billionaires and greedy corporations.
... who will all fuck off, or rearrange their tax affais anyway and leave us with hardly any greater tax revenues. In the case of non doms, tax receipts are projected to DECLINE as a result of Labour's posturing!

The unfortunate truth - and I do admit is is unfortunate - is that many of the very richest do NOT pay their fare share. However, the also unfortunate truth is that getting them to do so, is quite hard. Tax them too much and they just fuck off, or pay themselves a pittance and hide their real income in e.g. the Cayman islands. For the very rich, paying tax is optional. Unlike for the rest of us.
Perhaps not somethig for the Labour Party thread, but I am against all religions. I think religion is silly nonsense with roots thousands of years ago when we knew no better. And now we do know better. It's all bollocks and has no place in modern society IMO. It would not be so bad if it was harmless bollocks, but it clearly is a force for evil and conflict all over the world. We'd be far better off without it.

In years to come we will look back on religion as we now look back on the Roman gods. We will say to ourselves, what on earth was anyone thinking, believing in that crap.

Religion only perpetuates because of indoctrination by those already indoctrinated of their children, who are too young to form their own opinions. I have a bit of a problem with this. Parents do not "own" their kids. They are not theirs to do with as they wish, simply because the kids are young and immature. I think its wrong that parents and schools should therefore be telling kids THE WAY IT IS and effectively forcing them to believe it, and continuing the bollocks down the generations.

Islam is particularly bad at this, with Quran's threats of death penalty for anyone leaving Islam. I think it's outrageous that such brainwashing is allowed TBH. I would probably ban faith schools at the very least. All faith schools. I would insist that if religion was taught in school - and I would prefer it is not - then there is an obligation to position all religions equally and equally with atheism, so children can make up their own minds.
Didn't you 'find god' after having a dream a few years ago?
The liberal left Labour voters always insist that all our problems are due to the wealthiest individuals and corporations not paying their fair share of taxes... yet so far all I've heard from the Labour government is the "pain" that's going to have to be felt by pensioners, council tax paying households and people with modest works pensions.

They seem to have forgotten about all the millionaires, billionaires and greedy corporations.

Easy targets.

The worst of it is they say they need to cut WFA to plug the black hole yet the WFA was already in the budget for this year and didn’t form part of the black hole.

The outcry on here that the public sector didn’t cause the financial crisis well the pensioners certainly didn’t contribute to the black hole. I guess that argument of cause and effect has been continently forgotten now.
The liberal left Labour voters always insist that all our problems are due to the wealthiest individuals and corporations not paying their fair share of taxes... yet so far all I've heard from the Labour government is the "pain" that's going to have to be felt by pensioners, council tax paying households and people with modest works pensions.

They seem to have forgotten about all the millionaires, billionaires and greedy corporations.

I guess we have to wait and see, but there are just as many stories in the press about increasing wealth taxes, like inheritance tax and capital gains. Starmer even said those with the "broadest shoulders" should expect the biggest increases.
Didn't you 'find god' after having a dream a few years ago?
Mixing me up with someone else I think mate. Emphatically I did not. I am a devout atheist and always have been. FYI, I am a physicist by background and am always baffled how some other scientists can still believe in poppycock in the face of overwhelming contractory scientific evidence. Just shows the power of indoctrination and brainwashing and why it is so undesireable and dangerous IMO. Take young minds, dip them in whatever nonsense you like and you end up with another generation passionately believing the same nonsense and so it perpetuates. Sooner we get rid of such utter tosh, the better.
Mixing me up with someone else I think mate. Emphatically I did not. I am a devout atheist and always have been. FYI, I am a physicist by background and am always baffled how some other scientists can still believe in poppycock in the face of overwhelming contractory scientific evidence. Just shows the power of indoctrination and brainwashing and why it is so undesireable and dangerous IMO. Take young minds, dip them in whatever nonsense you like and you end up with another generation passionately believing the same nonsense and so it perpetuates. Sooner we get rid of such utter tosh, the better.
Not very apt 'team supported' then..
Easy targets.

The worst of it is they say they need to cut WFA to plug the black hole yet the WFA was already in the budget for this year and didn’t form part of the black hole.

The outcry on here that the public sector didn’t cause the financial crisis well the pensioners certainly didn’t contribute to the black hole. I guess that argument of cause and effect has been continently forgotten now.
Extra £400 a year incoming for pensioners thanks to triple lock vote winner.
Whilst the majority of the voters and their MPs would describe themselves as ''Christian'' .....None of the legislation passed by the Tories could be classed as 'following the teachings of Jesus Christ''
Lots of it can be classed as, 'influenced by religious thinking'.
The 'assisted dying' debate being a classic example.
Meanwhile, over in America...
The liberal left Labour voters always insist that all our problems are due to the wealthiest individuals and corporations not paying their fair share of taxes... yet so far all I've heard from the Labour government is the "pain" that's going to have to be felt by pensioners, council tax paying households and people with modest works pensions.

They seem to have forgotten about all the millionaires, billionaires and greedy corporations.

What the liberal left also said is that selling off public services, assets and council houses for a quick buck to a load of rich companies will lead to massive problems over cost control problems in the future. Well guess what, we're now in the future and we've got massive cost control problems. The issue is how the hell can you correct these past terrible self-infliction wounds when you haven't got a pot to piss in is almost impossible. It's going to take decades to fix

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