The Labour Government


Muslims won’t be the majority if the U.K. any time soon.

We’ve seen that there will be civil war before they get anywhere close to Muslims being close to 50%.

Sharia law will never happen. It’s a total dog whistle.
I never said soon especially as its a pointless word in this context, how are you defining soon.?

Never? How would you know?

I'm not sure a policy of yeah chill folks a civil war would solve problems is remotely a good outcome.

The countries make up will change because it changes all the time. It coukd either a little or a lot, if that becomes a good or bad thing depends on the individual.
Always my question to Ofsted when asked how my school promotes “British Values”.
How are they different from French, German, Indian, Australian etc etc values?
Rhetorical bollocks.
A common mistake imho. British values doesn’t mean exclusively British values. British values are generally Western European, (The enlightenment, monarchy), so they are very different from, say, Indian. Old commonwealth countries like Aus do vary as time gets on.
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The liberal left Labour voters always insist that all our problems are due to the wealthiest individuals and corporations not paying their fair share of taxes... yet so far all I've heard from the Labour government is the "pain" that's going to have to be felt by pensioners, council tax paying households and people with modest works pensions.

They seem to have forgotten about all the millionaires, billionaires and greedy corporations.
I never said soon especially as its a pointless word in this context, how are you defining soon.?

Never? How would you know?

I'm not sure a policy of yeah chill folks a civil war would solve problems is remotely a good outcome.

The countries make up will change because it changes all the time. It coukd either a little or a lot, if that becomes a good or bad thing depends on the individual.
It’s not happening. People riot when someone looks a bit Muslim commits a crime.

I’ve no idea how to stop people demonising an entire religion. If I did, I would.

As you suggest, the outcome is going to be based on the attitude of the individual. As it currently stands, we’re closer to civil war than Sharia Law due to peoples’ misconceptions, prejudices, ignorance and intolerance.

I see no one has interacted with Zen’s posts. That doesn’t surprise me.
I wish Islam in the UK went through the same change as Christianity and goes on the backburner. Cba with devout religious nutjobs who think women should be second class citizens and that their religion cannot be the subject of comedy, it's all very serious.
Unfortunately christianity is not on the back burner and is the only religion that influences UK law and policy making.

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