The Labour Government

So, as I’ve suggested all along, this is just your gut feeling.

Someone had a go at trying to describe British culture and it was just nostalgic bullshit.

No one’s even tried in here, just tells everyone that they’re being eroded.
The world moves on for sure, but I know for a fact that Muslims and Hindus do not get on well together. Before partition, which is a long while ago, my father worked out in West Bengal for a long while. There was always trouble between them. Come partition the Muslims ended up in Pakistan to the west and Bangladesh in the East. It’s a religious thing. I’ve seen, with my own eyes, fights between them in the college I worked in, also on Hyde market ground. My views aren’t likely to change no matter how much persuading goes on by the multiculturists, I’m just waiting for the ‘what did you expect moment’
I'll address the bold part. I worked for a safety based business that went from public to private ownership in the early 2000's. It was a controversial political move as it was actually Labour who pushed it through. The mantra was that we were to be a "not for profit" organisation. Prior to privatisation we weren't, admittedly, the most efficient outfit staff numbers wise ( once valid, most people didn't leave as it took 3+ years to qualify) but we got the job done with little or no industrial relations issues depite there being a 95%+ membership of the union. The management were ,in the main, ex operational people who understood the operation and to a big degree what made their highly trained and skilled staff tick. In return, staff took alot of pride in what they did and many were valid on more positions than they needed to be. The quid pro quo was for example, leave and the like were managed on watch by the staff. Management didn't get involved as they recognised those who actually knew the day to day were those very people on the shop floor. There was even a system of getting people off shift a bit early if there wasn't demand for all of the staff, but never at the expense of getting the job done. Sickness levels were about half of the national average. Point4 above is dispelled

then came privatisation:

The private company was established with a botched ownership, including a group of customers, a small staff shareholding and a golden Government share. The company was also heavily indebted right from the start as it was forced to take over its' own pension liabilities right from the start. Its' income was also down as the privatisation went through shortly after 9/11. A new CEO was brought in. He was out of his depth as he didn't actually have a clue what the operation entailed but he was supported by mangers who still did. This continues to this day. A number of CEOs out of touch with the core business have come and gone. What has changed is that the managers beneath have now retired and so almost all of the senior mangers now have no operational experience. Point 1 above dispelled
The bean counters slowly took over. Staff numbers reduced but people were still happy to hold more validations than were required. There was still a benefit to doing so as it allowed flexibility around leave both long and short term and rostering. But of course what happened was that management started to abuse the two way flexibility. Eventually leave had to be booked nearly a year in advance,little short term leave was approved,and the ability for people to leave a bit early diminished even in the winter when the workload was low. But staff numbers were cut too far and eventually, on many occasions staff were asked to work beyond their shift length. Many did so initially but as time went on the goodwill was curtailed. Staff realised the management were now gettting most of the benefits from the flexibility and many decided to revert to doing only what was contracturally required. Guess what-the operation could now no longer run in the busiest periods without the need for overtime. So goodwill was pretty much dead and voluntary overtime was being paid at a high rate. Sickness rate also climbed as fatigue became an issue. The desire to go the extra mile, work late was destroyed-by the bean counter management. Point 3 above is dispelled

Every single member of operational staff I came across were proud to do the very best they could on a daily basis. If they got it wrong, the travelling public were put at risk. Poor performance was addressed quickly and re-training brought in for the small number who fell below the required standard. Point 2 is dispelled

The not for profit lasted about 2 years. Dividends have been paid almost continuously for 20 years, the staff shortages continue, people are leaving as soon as they can afford to and about 5 years earlier than they used to, the much needed overtime is now at an eye watering level and the CEO is on over £1m per year.

The union membership is around 98% in a private company. Unheard of these days but without it things would have been even worse than it has turned out. It was all done, somehow, without any major industrial action.

I don’t think there is a particularly strong argument that private sector or public sector do any better. Organisations of either sector who breach right size are an orgy of waste and inefficiency.

Projects are another where neither side holds the high ground. There seems to be a particular western disease that when you tender for large projects who get plausible but ultimately unrealistic quotes that as soon as you accept and spend half the original budget suddenly double in size and you’re so far down the rabbit hole you keep going and paying the new bill. I’ve only ever seen projects deliver on time and budget in less so called advanced economies.
Agree with all of that. The privatisation of the rail network has been a lesson in how NOT to do it.

First, award contracts over like 10 years, giving companies a total monopoly on the line the service being offered. Then establish a regulator that allows them inflation price increases every year for 30 years. And finally, reduce the subsidy you give them.

Honestly it would be a miracle if after all of that, the service was NOT an expensive shit rip off. What on earth do people expect?

What they SHOULD have done IMO was to allow different train companies to offer different competiing services on the same tracks. So you could think, shall I get the 08:30 Virgin train from Manchester to Euston, because they have the great comfy seats and free snacks. Or shall I go on the Cross Country 07:50 which is cheaper. Or if i go on the 08:45 I can go for free with First Group by using my loyalty points.

Look at how this has worked with airfares. Used to cost £700 to fly to Paris with BA and now you can go with Easyjet for £29, and 30 years later the BA prices have actually come down. In real terms they have dropped by 70%.

Had they done this with trains, we'd have seen services get better and better and prices come down as the companies fought for your business.

Anyway they didn't and it's shite, I agree. First step to put it right should not be to nationalise them, it should be to sack the regulator and establish a new one that demands year on year price reduction, not increases.
Train choice is great; until your Virgin train gets stuck behind the Cross Country train which is stuck behind the delayed First Group train. All on the same track.
The whole system of franchises running at wild profit though is sometimes far-fetched because wasn't Arriva Northern nationalised because it was effectively bankrupt?

The Northern services have been nationalised for nearly 4 years now, has anything changed for the better yet?

Government policy so far has been to run down the franchises and then take over them. I haven't seen much about a unified infrastructure or system which is the real benefit of nationalisation. Maybe that dream is just decades and billions of pounds away (as usual).
Fewer cancellations on Northern since renationalisation. And on TPE (partly because they cut services but will be reinstating some in December).
Hundreds of council accounts not audited in time, all since they abolished the dedicated (in both senses) Audit Commission.

And, after Grenfell, a lot of blame on the Tories' allowing private firms to do building regs approval instead of local authorities.
I'll address the bold part. I worked for a safety based business that went from public to private ownership in the early 2000's. It was a controversial political move as it was actually Labour who pushed it through. The mantra was that we were to be a "not for profit" organisation. Prior to privatisation we weren't, admittedly, the most efficient outfit staff numbers wise ( once valid, most people didn't leave as it took 3+ years to qualify) but we got the job done with little or no industrial relations issues depite there being a 95%+ membership of the union. The management were ,in the main, ex operational people who understood the operation and to a big degree what made their highly trained and skilled staff tick. In return, staff took alot of pride in what they did and many were valid on more positions than they needed to be. The quid pro quo was for example, leave and the like were managed on watch by the staff. Management didn't get involved as they recognised those who actually knew the day to day were those very people on the shop floor. There was even a system of getting people off shift a bit early if there wasn't demand for all of the staff, but never at the expense of getting the job done. Sickness levels were about half of the national average. Point4 above is dispelled

then came privatisation:

The private company was established with a botched ownership, including a group of customers, a small staff shareholding and a golden Government share. The company was also heavily indebted right from the start as it was forced to take over its' own pension liabilities right from the start. Its' income was also down as the privatisation went through shortly after 9/11. A new CEO was brought in. He was out of his depth as he didn't actually have a clue what the operation entailed but he was supported by mangers who still did. This continues to this day. A number of CEOs out of touch with the core business have come and gone. What has changed is that the managers beneath have now retired and so almost all of the senior mangers now have no operational experience. Point 1 above dispelled
The bean counters slowly took over. Staff numbers reduced but people were still happy to hold more validations than were required. There was still a benefit to doing so as it allowed flexibility around leave both long and short term and rostering. But of course what happened was that management started to abuse the two way flexibility. Eventually leave had to be booked nearly a year in advance,little short term leave was approved,and the ability for people to leave a bit early diminished even in the winter when the workload was low. But staff numbers were cut too far and eventually, on many occasions staff were asked to work beyond their shift length. Many did so initially but as time went on the goodwill was curtailed. Staff realised the management were now gettting most of the benefits from the flexibility and many decided to revert to doing only what was contracturally required. Guess what-the operation could now no longer run in the busiest periods without the need for overtime. So goodwill was pretty much dead and voluntary overtime was being paid at a high rate. Sickness rate also climbed as fatigue became an issue. The desire to go the extra mile, work late was destroyed-by the bean counter management. Point 3 above is dispelled

Every single member of operational staff I came across were proud to do the very best they could on a daily basis. If they got it wrong, the travelling public were put at risk. Poor performance was addressed quickly and re-training brought in for the small number who fell below the required standard. Point 2 is dispelled

The not for profit lasted about 2 years. Dividends have been paid almost continuously for 20 years, the staff shortages continue, people are leaving as soon as they can afford to and about 5 years earlier than they used to, the much needed overtime is now at an eye watering level and the CEO is on over £1m per year.

The union membership is around 98% in a private company. Unheard of these days but without it things would have been even worse than it has turned out. It was all done, somehow, without any major industrial action.
My experiences are the exact opposite. Sounds like your company was staffed by unusual people and taken over by tossers.
Train choice is great; until your Virgin train gets stuck behind the Cross Country train which is stuck behind the delayed First Group train. All on the same track.
And that doesn't happen now? Just been back from London on Tuesday and the train going into London was held at Swindon, stuck behind a train waiting, for another train. There was signalling problems on the track leaving London and those trains were having to us our track. Arrived 40 minutes late.

Ironically the exact situation you desribe, only this week. (Seriously, I am not making this up!)

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