The Labour Government

Of course it has, giving 11 billion in foreign aid to other countries while we are freezing our own elderly is just plain wrong. If you would rather we fund India's space program rather than help our own oaps then you really need to take a good hard look at yourself.
The UK money paid to India is invested in businesses and other projects of benefit to both countries. None of the money is spent on the space programme.

It's a distraction to whether scrapping the WFA is right.

It was the Tories who set the Overseas Development target in law.
10 million working aged people economically inactive
1.5 million pensioners working still
18.6% of people in England and Wales are 65 or over
There are some 60,000,000 people living in England and Wales.


Instead of taking money off pensioners how about start to make the people who don't want to work actually pay for their upkeep by getting them jobs, that should be the first consideration.

As for the "Lets bring more adults in to do the jobs that our adults wont" you're just bringing in more prospective pensioners we need more children not adults.
Of the "economically inactive" 27% are students, 26% say they’re economically inactive because they’re too sick (most of whom have a long-term illness), 22% are looking after family or the home, and 13% have taken early retirement. 12% said there was some other reason for their economic inactivity.
Together with the cancellation of contracts (Bibby Stockholm , Rwanda , Private Helicopter etc ) and reducing the size of the state , It was probably the only 'in year' saving that could be made without inviting international condemnation.

Looking forward to your suggestions as to what else could be done.
How about reigning in public service pensions?
Just sayin' like.
Of the "economically inactive" 27% are students, 26% say they’re economically inactive because they’re too sick (most of whom have a long-term illness), 22% are looking after family or the home, and 13% have taken early retirement. 12% said there was some other reason for their economic inactivity.

Again, we shouldn't be taking off pensioners to fund the people not working. Don't bring the disabled or sick into it they are a drop in the ocean.

Excuses excuses excuses.
BTW, if they TRULY wanted to take money from those pensioners who could afford it, whilst still protecting those on very low incomes, then they could have scrapped the WFA and simply said they are raising the state pension by £300. And then anyone well off enough to be paying income tax and NI would not receive the full amount.

Would not save as much money, but at least it would be fair.
It’s going up by £400
The policies that Labour are keeping should annoy real Labour voters but it looks like they'd support Labour policies just because they are Labour policies.

Effectively they are just Tories, it's why many of them are angry at that fact being pointed out to them, two tier Keir isn't going to last the innings his lies and false promises are going to catch him out.

You summed it up perfectly. The political capital expended to justify this move will not justified by the raising of 1.4 billion by going through with this policy. The math all most seems easy enough that it could be understood by school grade students.

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