The Labour Government

I've never liked or trusted Starmer from day one. He's an elitist wrong un who sold his soul a long time ago. The problem was the Tories were absolutely horrendous in government. So bad they made themselves unelectable in the end, even amongst many staunch Tories. This still baffles me as to why they committed political suicide.

On the opposite side of the coin many Labour voters weren't very enthusiastic about the party and in particular Starmer. In the end people just thought they couldn't be any worse than the Tories. Sadly they are proving that they can Indeed.

I’m not a fan of either but they’re no where near worse than the conservatives were yet. Thats judging them against expectations, which is making them appear far worse.

Give it a year and then judge them. They’re clearly front loading the unpopular decisions and policies, which makes sense politically but it’ll only work if it eventually leads to something.
Based on what we've seen so far I doubt Labour will get in power again for a very long time. To alienate the people who voted you in is a very dangerous decision and choice. Starmer like many before him is lining his own nest and I reckon we're only a few months away from his cronies turning on him as they see how disliked he is. I think they have become smug after the landslide result and people are not buying into the lies and he's convincing no one.

But they didn’t. Majority of the people getting this benefit removed voted for other parties, overwhelming for the Tories.

Labour can afford to piss these people off, because they aren't likely to vote for them anyway.
But they didn’t. Majority of the people getting this benefit removed voted for other parties, overwhelming for the Tories.

Labour can afford to piss these people off, because they aren't likely to vote for them anyway.
I'm not just on about the WFA decision, I'm on about the other decisions including those to come. You don't have to be a mind reader to know who he's going to attack next. I know a lot of staunch Labour voters and none of them are in agreement with how the party is heading. I'm pissed off by him and I'm not personally affected yet. But I would never vote for a Starmer led Labour party again
Having joined the Army at 15 and completing 11 years service, I went on to join the Fire Service. I recently retired at not too bad an age. My contributions over the years were very expensive. The pension I receive now are all those years of salary that was sacrificed. There was nothing to stop many of the people who moan taking the same path as myself, or at least stash money in a pension. Envy, jealousy resentment get the better of some people.
Not having a go here, mate, but are you saying that we should all be like you?

For awareness, I have 28 years in service and a decent pension, but understand that many don’t get those advantages.

Let’s not punch down, should always be about lifting up.
I'm not just on about the WFA decision, I'm on about the other decisions including those to come. You don't have to be a mind reader to know who he's going to attack next. I know a lot of staunch Labour voters and none of them are in agreement with how the party is heading. I'm pissed off by him and I'm not personally affected yet. But I would never vote for a Starmer led Labour party again

Could you please PM the lottery numbers for next Saturday.

I've never liked or trusted Starmer from day one. He's an elitist wrong un who sold his soul a long time ago. The problem was the Tories were absolutely horrendous in government. So bad they made themselves unelectable in the end, even amongst many staunch Tories. This still baffles me as to why they committed political suicide.

On the opposite side of the coin many Labour voters weren't very enthusiastic about the party and in particular Starmer. In the end people just thought they couldn't be any worse than the Tories. Sadly they are proving that they can Indeed.
Absolutely spot on.
I'm not just on about the WFA decision, I'm on about the other decisions including those to come. You don't have to be a mind reader to know who he's going to attack next. I know a lot of staunch Labour voters and none of them are in agreement with how the party is heading. I'm pissed off by him and I'm not personally affected yet. But I would never vote for a Starmer led Labour party again
Also spot on.
Having joined the Army at 15 and completing 11 years service, I went on to join the Fire Service. I recently retired at not too bad an age. My contributions over the years were very expensive. The pension I receive now are all those years of salary that was sacrificed. There was nothing to stop many of the people who moan taking the same path as myself, or at least stash money in a pension. Envy, jealousy resentment get the better of some people.
Just pray to God that at some point over the next 5 years, the evil twats don't decide to means test the state pension, or all your years of saving will have been for nothing.
But they didn’t. Majority of the people getting this benefit removed voted for other parties, overwhelming for the Tories.

Labour can afford to piss these people off, because they aren't likely to vote for them anyway.

I'm not sure it's a good idea to piss off any sector of the electorate, even if most current pensioners do vote Tory. There's a legacy issue as I've come across solid Labour voters who retired and then said they were now voting Tory as it's what pensioners do.

If this generation of pensioners is the last to have that feeling, all well and good, but you don't want to piss off the next generation of pensioners who, bluntly, are getting their pensions later to fund the existing generation of pensioners.

And there are still lots of Labour-voting pensioners, including in the critical group of those not quite qualifying for pension credit.

Is it a deliberate ploy for you and your cohort to keep saying £200 when it's usually £300? Are you trying to downplay it?
80% of pensioners are under 80 so it's a minority that get £300. I'm not sure if it was part of the original reason for the difference, but past 80 people are more likely to live on their own so will only get one WFA for the same house and heating costs. And, statistically, it will be the more affluent people who survive beyond 80 - because they're affluent.
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I'm not following it. I'm beginning to wonder what is the point in voting at all if every party just lie to get elected then shit on the usual suspects once they get in.
I remember years ago many people saying there was no point in voting as they're all as bad as each other. I'm beginning to think they had a point. If you were working class at least your life usually improved marginally under labour. Not anymore so we're left without a political party to vote for which is pretty damning.
Employment rights? No no-fault evictions? Right to ask for a 4-day week?

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