The Labour Government

They will announce that they will look at the 2 child policy just before the next GE and after it they'll do nothing about it. There is nothing in what he is doing now that suggests that he is genuine Labour, in fact he could be a Tory PM very easily.

I can't believe people are even suggesting that he can make a dent in the housing crisis, he's very much like Burnham in that regard when he told us that he was going to solve homelessness.

We need more people yet this govt wont scrap the policy.

Starmer has also said they'll scrap the policy when the money is there. As I said, I'd be amazed if that doesn't go, once the current "look at the mess the Tories left" politicking dies down. If you think he's lying then I can't really argue with that.

He's also got a much better chance of dealing with homelessness than Burnham, who can only ever tinker at the edges. I used to work with people on the streets, and it's the tip of an iceberg, that involves millions of people who are living in overcrowded homes, are in temporary accommodation, are sleeping on friends couches etc. If more than 1.5m homes are built in the next five years, and Labour ensure that plenty of them are social housing, then it will make moving people off the streets a possibility.
In an effort to save cash, the TOC’s trained fewer and fewer drivers but relied on the existing drivers working their days off. Once they decided they’d like to not give up their days off, the TOC’s decided to still not train enough drivers.
As mad as it seems, once the government decided it was so wedded to privatisation that it’d pay companies not to run trains, you can sort of see the logic of not doing so. An example of the “supply and demand mantra’ biting them on the arse.
Of course, they could bring immigrants in on £9 an hour……
What would be the issue with borrowing a load and building new prisons/schools/hospitals. Surely that would creat a positive financial environment and get the mood up. I’ve nothing at all positive to say about the state of the NHS but releasing prisoners early because of a lack of space is the most ridiculous and self harming policy I’ve ever heard of.
So why is there a shortage of train drivers?

(And a reminder that privatisation was a main reason for drivers' pay rates going up, as the different companies had to compete with each other for drivers.)
As I've said it's baffling why they don't take on Drivers from within, my mate was absolutely gutted when he got the KB after his third interview. He joined Northern Rail as a guard after being told that would be the easiest route to becoming driver, he'd been there 17 years now, intelligent guy who subsidises his income betting on horse racing and sports betting. He's got restrictions on his accounts.
Starmer has also said they'll scrap the policy when the money is there. As I said, I'd be amazed if that doesn't go, once the current "look at the mess the Tories left" politicking dies down. If you think he's lying then I can't really argue with that.

He's also got a much better chance of dealing with homelessness than Burnham, who can only ever tinker at the edges. I used to work with people on the streets, and it's the tip of an iceberg, that involves millions of people who are living in overcrowded homes, are in temporary accommodation, are sleeping on friends couches etc. If more than 1.5m homes are built in the next five years, and Labour ensure that plenty of them are social housing, then it will make moving people off the streets a possibility.

I don't think child poverty is something that you wait for money to be there, if you truly believe it is something heinous and cruel it is one of the first things to implement. If they don't have it ready to be changed in this budget then it will be pretty shameful especially going into winter. It won't be a popular change though as people don't care about the children who have had no choice in being born it's not their fault, but voters won't want the parents receiving extra money for having more than 2 children.
I don't think child poverty is something that you wait for money to be there, if you truly believe it is something heinous and cruel it is one of the first things to implement. If they don't have it ready to be changed in this budget then it will be pretty shameful especially going into winter. It won't be a popular change though as people don't care about the children who have had no choice in being born it's not their fault, but voters won't want the parents receiving extra money for having more than 2 children.

They're essentially fighting the next election now.

We may not agree, but the Tories blamed Labour for the 2008 worldwide financial crisis, and it stuck. If the choice is between getting rid of the 2 child cap immediately, and risking the Tories convincing the public that Labour are just spending "their money" again, or doing it in one/two years, but being able to stay in power for two or more terms, and actually make a huge difference to people's lives, then the moral decision isn't quite so simple.
What would be the issue with borrowing a load and building new prisons/schools/hospitals. Surely that would creat a positive financial environment and get the mood up. I’ve nothing at all positive to say about the state of the NHS but releasing prisoners early because of a lack of space is the most ridiculous and self harming policy I’ve ever heard of.
What can they do instead ? The tories didnt build prisons , they disgusting sat back and watched the prison places drop to one hundred , ther is no alternative but to let some prisoners out early , they will be hand picked , non violent prisoners only . Of course labour need to start building prisons , training the staff and paying them properly

There are plenty of places they could build prisons , there is one on dartmore that causes no issues so look at places like that . Lots to do
They could announce a radical policy of public service rebuilding at a national level. The country is desperate for it. If it was successful it would be beneficial in encouraging young muppets that a more left leaning outlook is better.
They're essentially fighting the next election now.

We may not agree, but the Tories blamed Labour for the 2008 worldwide financial crisis, and it stuck. If the choice is between getting rid of the 2 child cap immediately, and risking the Tories convincing the public that Labour are just spending "their money" again, or doing it in one/two years, but being able to stay in power for two or more terms, and actually make a huge difference to people's lives, then the moral decision isn't quite so simple.

I'm fully reserving judgement till the budget is announced, if they go in with pure doom and gloom mode I won't be happy. You can be realistic about the state of the country without making us all feel miserable and hopeless. So please have some positives Reeves fs.

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