The Labour Government


The bone of contention for me , as I’ve already stated numerous times , is the Eccles blues of this world and those 4 quid over pension credit claim limits ….. it’s just wrong and immoral especially with all the hypocrisy going on in both main parties with sleaze, claims for expenses and all the rest of the shit going on in the world.

I’m not even moaning for myself as I don’t need it or qualify for it under these new changed rules . As you know I’m doing alright and will never need help from any government ever …. They can even shove their 25% council tax discount . I’m alright jack ! However I’ve also been broke and in council high rise blocks and know pensioners who will suffer because of this policy .

I’ve seen the piss taking pip claims and alcys and druggies playing the system that most people don’t see ….

It’s disgraceful what they’re doing to those pensioners and it needs sorting somehow … social tariffs maybe or something but not this bollocks of a decision . I’ll never vote labour again out of principal £200 or not and I’ve never voted for anyone else ever.

I never thought a Labour Party would treat poor pensioners like this ever . They are not the labour I knew .

It might seem a small amount to some but it isn’t to many and those defending it are cunts.

Take it off the rich by all means but not the poor ffs

I've never liked or trusted Starmer from day one. He's an elitist wrong un who sold his soul a long time ago. The problem was the Tories were absolutely horrendous in government. So bad they made themselves unelectable in the end, even amongst many staunch Tories. This still baffles me as to why they committed political suicide.

On the opposite side of the coin many Labour voters weren't very enthusiastic about the party and in particular Starmer. In the end people just thought they couldn't be any worse than the Tories. Sadly they are proving that they can Indeed.
Its not over yet. Have you seen the candidates for the new leader?

I'm not following it. I'm beginning to wonder what is the point in voting at all if every party just lie to get elected then shit on the usual suspects once they get in.
I remember years ago many people saying there was no point in voting as they're all as bad as each other. I'm beginning to think they had a point. If you were working class at least your life usually improved marginally under labour. Not anymore so we're left without a political party to vote for which is pretty damning.
I'm not following it. I'm beginning to wonder what is the point in voting at all if every party just lie to get elected then shit on the usual suspects once they get in.
I remember years ago many people saying there was no point in voting as they're all as bad as each other. I'm beginning to think they had a point. If you were working class at least your life usually improved marginally under labour. Not anymore so we're left without a political party to vote for which is pretty damning.

They are all as bad as each other is the worst mindset you can adopt - that means all sides have won and neutralised you and your vote
Based on what we've seen so far I doubt Labour will get in power again for a very long time. To alienate the people who voted you in is a very dangerous decision and choice. Starmer like many before him is lining his own nest and I reckon we're only a few months away from his cronies turning on him as they see how disliked he is. I think they have become smug after the landslide result and people are not buying into the lies and he's convincing no one.
Based on what we've seen so far I doubt Labour will get in power again for a very long time. To alienate the people who voted you in is a very dangerous decision and choice. Starmer like many before him is lining his own nest and I reckon we're only a few months away from his cronies turning on him as they see how disliked he is. I think they have become smug after the landslide result and people are not buying into the lies and he's convincing no one.

They have just short of 5 years - plenty of time
I've never liked or trusted Starmer from day one. He's an elitist wrong un who sold his soul a long time ago. The problem was the Tories were absolutely horrendous in government. So bad they made themselves unelectable in the end, even amongst many staunch Tories. This still baffles me as to why they committed political suicide.

On the opposite side of the coin many Labour voters weren't very enthusiastic about the party and in particular Starmer. In the end people just thought they couldn't be any worse than the Tories. Sadly they are proving that they can Indeed.
They were always going to make mistakes, but surely the time to judge them is after 9mths at least on the economy, and 5 years for the social policies etc.

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